Mortgage - B - Gone

Welcome To: Mortgage - B - Gone

by Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle Innovator  
Mortgage - B - Gone: Welcomes You!

Welcome to this opportunity. As I am a not beat around the bush type of person both on and off the Internet, which has contributed to my being know in the business world as ‘TAZZ’ for the past 27 years. I will begin this by not beating around the bush.

Mortgage – B – Gone is a focus group to help you establish the following 3 objectives:

1: Achieve a instant $5000 profit available to any small-business owner who established a retirement plan for your business in 2002 or later. Here you will be given the information to establish your business its own retirement plan that will generate your business the immediate promised profit.

2: Achieve a time tested and proven form of ‘F-R-E-E Advertising’ for your business. This is not the common sit in front of your computer click & surf overly repeated and ultimately useless traffic exchange websites on a daily bases. The power of this opportunity has an 8 year track record of mega-success, being exclusively designed, tested and proven ‘ON-THE-INTERNET’.

3: Achieve the immediate establishment, growth and usage of ‘Home Purchasing Fund’ that could produce an outside [your current job or business] source of income generation, which many allow you to pay for your home within 5-7 years. This is not one of those pay bi-weekly, monthly or get another line of credit mortgage processes. It is an opportunity to place money you are now wasting on interest payments to work where it will make more money to directly pay-off your present mortgage more quickly and systematically.

These activities are the Super 3D’s of Marketing because they’re Direct, Dynamic and Desired by most that believe themselves to be entrepreneurs jumping from on business opportunity to another on or off the Internet.

• Direct meaning they produce immediate results.
• Dynamic meaning they can begin changing your current situation the very moment you begin using them.
• Desired meaning they have one simple purpose; to produce you more money quickly and efficiently without getting anymore credit, investing more time or working more hours at a job or attempting to market on the Internet.

Simple put I haven’t opened this opportunity to sit around reviewing and/or other situations or opportunities. This opportunity has been brought together to assist those who want to achieve what I have the power to offer and help them achieve.

And to be perfectly frank… I don’t need thousands of participants--- I only need 42 people who are ready, willing and step on the path I will be leading by example directly in front of you.

The only way that anyone can lead another is to walk the very path in front of their followers… and no other way at all.

In closing, if you haven’t come here desiring to become part of a team that can and will follow a proven systems to achieve the 3 objectives mentioned above. You don’t belong here and most likely will not last long if you attempt to re-direct or muddy the waters associated to this opportunity.

Finally, I will share with you the most powerful indicator of success generation my grandpa shared with me when I was only 11 years old.

*****Actions always speak far louder than anyone’s words ever can or will!*****

And please don’t be deceived the actions you will produce are quite obvious in your writings as they are in face to face personal interaction on the street, at work or even at dinner.

Most Respectfully,
Goldeneagle, CEO
Mortgage – B – Gone

P.S.: You don't need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction -but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you where you truly desire to be. This opportunity gives you ‘Hands-On’ tools of development to build your abilities to achieve all these as well as make more money:

• * Believe you can succeed
• * Cure yourself of the fear of failure
• * Think and dream creatively
• * You are what you think you are
• * Make your attitudes your allies
• * Learn how to think positively
• * Turn defeat into victory
• * Use parameters to help you grow
• * Think like a leader
• * Lead by Example

P.S.S.: Thank you for your time and interest.
May 29th 2007 13:57

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Hot Travel Deals.Biz Advanced   
Thank you! I will be looking forward to more information.

Thank you for your time and for sharing your knowledge.

Hot Travel Deals
Jun 10th 2007 18:42   
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