Book Lovers Unite

I thrive on paperbacks and onliine bookstores!

by Nancy Bertoni
Nancy Bertoni Innovator  
I can't seem to find a bookcase big enough to store all my paperbacks, LOL.
When living in Europe (in my case, in France), it isn't always easy to go into town and find a bookstore that has an English section with the latest top bestsellers. I've found that ordering online not only saves me time, but also money, for the simple reason that I always order in bulk!
My favorites are Crime, Suspence and Fantasy especialy in series or trilogies. I guess it helps me from being too homesick from being away from the U.S. I need my daily dose of the english language. The Internet provides me with the opportunity to exercise my native language and make contact with others through fantastic programs like APSense :)
I'm really pleased to have come across this group and am looking forward to getting to know the other members.

Nancy Bertoni
Sep 25th 2007 10:02

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Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Welcome Nancy!

Finding space for books can sometimes be a challenge, I know!

You know, if you like classics and can deal with online versions, a great website is for free reading.
Sep 25th 2007 11:30   
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