Book Lovers Unite

Just found this group

by Dominique G. HR
Dominique G. Senior   HR
Hi, I was just browsing through the groups and found this one on books. I love books. I have a bad habit of buying tons of books though and then not getting to all of them! I've started up reading again though, so now I'll be able to share what I have read!
Sep 25th 2007 08:07

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Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Welcome Dominique!

You sound like me! Every time I move I have to lug a pile of books with me... can't give them up and keep getting more. What are you reading now?
Sep 25th 2007 11:21   
Dominique G. Senior   HR
Right now I'm reading Black's a true story about the Irish Mob and the FBI. It's a book that I've had for at least a few years and it's just been sitting on my shelf! It's written by two reporters, Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill, who expose the scandal that erupted from the 'friendship' of two old friends who grew up in the same neighborhood but somewhat took different paths that ended up leading back to each other. I haven't read to far yet, but it looks to be an interesting read.
Sep 25th 2007 12:52   
Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
This sounds almost like a movie I have seen. I does sound intriguing. Let me know.

I need to make some time for offline reading which I haven't done in awhile. I pick up a book at the end of a day and fall asleep lol.
Sep 26th 2007 11:31   
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