Women Working From Home!!

Nother Newbie!

by LuAnn
LuAnn Innovator
Hi all! I was invited to APSense by "everyonesmom06", from another site called Maya's Mom. (Look me up if you go there.)

I live in Kentucky, and am married with 3 children. We homeschool. Our main source of income (for the time being) is from my working at a residential/teaching facility for adults with MR/DD.

I have begun a home based business introducing people to a fantastic line of non-toxic cleaning and hygiene products. I'm also developing a non-profit website called Invisible Women.

Looking forward to "meeting" new people!
May 29th 2007 07:48

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Sheryl Advanced   
Great to meet another homeschooler!
We also try to live a non toxic life.
I hope you have a wonderful day,
May 29th 2007 08:32   
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