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First time sleep over! YIKES!

by Carole
Carole Advanced  
Well, as you may have guessed, my daughters are sleeping over at a friends house tonight. Which wouldn't be so bad, except I will be doing a 12 hr shift 2 hrs away from home. Considering my five yr old still climbs in bed with us in the middle of the night...we are not too sure how this will go over. Needless to say, I will be calling to check on the girls tonight. I think my 8 yr old will be fine! They first will celebrate their friends party at chuck e cheese, and then sleep over...hmmmmm.....Wish us all luck! I really don't want to work. I have to though...I spent money!! *LOL*

Sep 22nd 2007 15:42

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
You'll be fine Carole LOL... sometimes it's the parents who suffer the separation anxiety! Sounds like the girls will have a great time.
Sep 22nd 2007 17:58   
Carole Advanced   
thanks Karen. Actually they did do fine! I didn't get to call my hubby until 11 pm last night. Thats the only time I was able to get a break! I worked in a nursing home last night, and it really isn't my cup of tea. I worked with my boss last night, he's a great guy! Anyway, it wasn't until later tonight that the girls decided to act up. Tomorrow is school pictures. I got them two of the cutest outfits. I am really surprised Becky did okay, but they must have really stayed up late....she was really tired when I woke up after work, and she was sleeping next to me in bed. *S*
Sep 23rd 2007 22:57   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
My kids rarely are away from us, so when they do go on a sleep over I know it is me who has more dificulty than they do!

I really admire people who manage a J.O.B., looking after children and running a home business. Kudos to you!
Sep 23rd 2007 23:33   
Carole Advanced   
Oh Karen, sorry I haven't gotten back to you with this post. I work very part time, and it is frustrating as a nurse to be cancelled. I do have a new respect for nurses who work in nursing homes, it isn't easy. But I work on the weekends as a nurse, or really try to. I tried looking for a part time, or even full time job while the girls are in school. It just hasn't worked out. I do want to put them in some programs, and Becca needs a little ot...only 4 visits or more, But thank you for the kind words, and Happy holidays.

Dec 23rd 2007 01:41   
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