Women Working From Home!!

Stay at Home Mom or Work out of Home Debate

by Karen Weir Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Karen Weir Committed Local Internet Advertising...
Elsie, what a perfect day to create your group! My children are my primary reason for running my business. I have a grown daughter, who will be 27 this month (how the heck did THAT happen?), and two young children. There are 18 years between my first and second child.

My husband and I are both child protection social workers by profession, and we each had raised a daughter when we got married. We knew two things when we decided to start a new family. We didn't want an only child (not that there is anything wrong with it, but we both had done that), and we wanted for one of us to be at home with them. I ended up going back to work off and on part time mainly for the intellectual stimulation, and of course the income was a deciding factor.

Network marketing has changed all that, and we are very grateful. I am now a full time internet marketer and I love every second of it! Being available for my children, and able to set my own hours (and income) is like having it all! I look forward to sharing stories, resources, and tools with other women in this group. Thanks for creating it!

Karen Weir
May 28th 2007 21:21

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Sheryl Advanced   
It's great to have you here.
Yes, the internet has given WAHM's & WAHD's a great way to have it all. There are days that I would love to work outside of my house!! LOL!
Have a wonderful day,
May 29th 2007 08:15   
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