The Focus Society Of Overachievers

Napoleon Hill helped me change my life

by John Dilbeck
John Dilbeck Advanced  
I was a teenager when a business owner in my community gave me a used copy of Think and Grow Rich.

That book changed my life. I've read it many times and I've given away many copies to friends and colleagues with mixed results.

Some folks don't believe it.
Some folks are scared of the concept that they can control their lives.
Some take the idea and run with it.
Some are just confused after reading it.

It was difficult for me, because I expected to find some big mystical secret and kept being disappointed when all I found was good, solid, practical advice.

Eventually, it clicked and I started putting the principles into action.

Now, I'm enjoying the benefits of those activities.

Thirty years ago, I was working in Atlanta and wishing every day that I could get out of the city, out of the traffic, and up into the mountain in North Carolina.

Now, I live in a small cabin in the mountains about a half-mile from a nice mountain lake. I'm self-employed, working from home, out of debt, and about 100 miles from the nearest traffic jam.

It hasn't been easy, but things started working when I learned to put into action some of the things I learned from Napoleon Hill.

I created a Squidoo lens: Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich

You are invited to vote in the poll, vote for your favorite Napoleon Hill books or add your favorite if it isn't there, and leave any comments you'd care to share. (You need to be a logged-in Squidoo member.)

I just added a link from that lens to this group.

I have been reading Law of Success for the last couple of months and highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it.

I look forward to participating with this group's members and getting to know you better.

It's great running into Chuck, again.

All the best,

Sep 12th 2007 23:37

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Pete Balasch Jr. Magnate I   Internet Marketer Pod caster
Great Story John I did an Interview with Chuck on
It was really great you can listen to it right on the site. John I would like to pick your brain about what you know about squidoo you seem to be a Squidoo master . And thanks for listing one of my groups on your squidoo

Pete Balasch jr.
Skype xyour925job
Sep 13th 2007 00:13   
John Dilbeck Advanced   
Hi Pete,

I would love to do more with audio and video, but I'm on a very slow dial-up line and broadband isn't available where I live back in the mountains. So, I tend to avoid audio sites because it takes so long to hear anything that I get frustrated in the process.

When I get broadband (hopefully! one of these days!), I'll come visit your site.

I don't know about being a Squidoo master, but I've built a few lenses and have some experience with it.

I'd be happy to talk to you about Squidoo and share whatever I know.

Where is the best place to do that?

Act on your dream!


Sep 13th 2007 12:33   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Think about this. You can record an Mp3 at home, put on a CD, sned to pete or I . We can upload to a Talk Show program..
Just a Thought

Sep 18th 2007 14:17   
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