Book Lovers Unite

Introduce yourself

by Marie Gervacio Brilliant Body Success Coach
Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Hi I am Marie and have been reading books for years... ever since I knew how really. I remember even enjoying the first "audio" books on lp records. How fun. When I was young I used to read late at night with a flashlight until caught... lol how about you? (not really totally my fault because my mother believed in giving books for gifts)

I read just about anything from the classics to cereal boxes *smile*. I guess that is why the internet with all its content calls me.

Introduce yourself and let us know which types of books you enjoy.

My favorite business book is The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino. Novels I have enjoyed reading are many but these two: The Winds of War and War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk are at the top of my list.
May 28th 2007 13:00

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