CafePress Shops

Tell us about you CafePress shops

by John Dilbeck
John Dilbeck Advanced  
You are invited to introduce yourself and tell us about your CafePress shops.

What took you there and what are your inspirations for creating and marketing your designs?

I'll go first.

After working for 25 years as a computer programmer, consultant, sysadmin, and college instructor, I burned out on the whole computer business.

So, I quit and did something different. Since I'd loved blacksmithing when my Dad taught me as a teenager, and because we've had blacksmiths in the family for at least the last 200 years, it sounded like a good way to get away from the stress of working on computers and back to enjoying smiting hot metal.

To cut a long story short, I started creating steel roses and that's what you see me holding in my photo. It reminds me to strike while the iron is hot and not to get too many irons in the fire.

Although I'm not taking orders at this time, you can see my steel roses at:

I started at CafePress by making t-shirts with photos of my roses and wearing them around town as advertising. Later, I made a few other designs and people started buying them.

Since I'm not particularly creative with graphics, most of my designs use stylized text. I use a program available for Mac called TypeStyler for the basic design and then spruce it up using PhotoShop.

Currently I have hundreds of designs, but haven't had the time to upload many of them.

You're invited to browse my shop at:

John Dilbeck's Shirts, Mugs, and Hats

Yeah, it's not a very creative name, but anyone can tell at a glance what is there.

Okay, I've shown you mine. It's your turn to show me yours!


Act on your dream!

Sep 6th 2007 05:21

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John Dilbeck Advanced   
I see that we're getting more members in this group and I'm assuming at least some of you have CafePress shops.

Why don't you jump in and tell us about your shop, your designs, and how you're doing with CafePress?

It's easy and we're friendly!

All the best,


Mar 20th 2008 07:42   
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