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Recommendation: For Top Its OR Drop Its!

by Luis Gutierrez
Luis Gutierrez Advanced  
I feel as if everyone should have a link to where it shows whom has left you that top it or drop it. Since most of the time people only write great about a blog or a subj. etc...I would love to hear what people have to say if its either postive but as well as negative. I know it would help me understand this website better and manage my page and my business as well.

So since people have the time to either leave a top it or drop it on ones page. With the link, I think we can send that person at least a private message asking why they feel as if ones subj. or blog is negative, spam, or off-topic?

This is just an idea that I thought about this morning. I know I would be curious to know why people rated you that way, wouldnt you be as well?
Sep 5th 2007 11:59

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Rusty Rose Advanced   
I feel it's fine the way it is. If people don't like my subject, then, that's fine. At least I'm getting to know what they're interested in and won't post that subject again. I don't need to know why. Everyone's taste is different and I'm willing to go along with the majority. At least the subjects that will be posted will be popular ones and of interest to the majority of folks!
Sep 5th 2007 12:20   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Hi Luis,
I was just talking with Kristian and we are more focused on the positive (the topping) of subjects. If someone feels that a post is not relevant or spam, they just need to leave it at zero. This is alot better all the way around. As far as letting you know who has topped or dropped your post - that won't happen. The reason is because that would lead to further abuse of the system, in the form of paybacks. Don't feel bad, I have had posts dropped here in the apsense group, there will always be members who don't agree with you. Just take it in stride and move on. Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 12:23   
Luis Gutierrez Advanced   
Yea thats true! But what about the people that are interested in your subject? So your telling me that you wont post that subject or somewhat similar since out of 43 hits that people have been on your blog or what not have took the time and liberty to read your it. But out of 43 hits only 1 has felt negative about ones owns opinions. What about then?
Sep 5th 2007 12:25   
Luis Gutierrez Advanced   
I understand you Lynn. And I have never been that person to give paybacks. All I would want, is to talk to the person and know why that person feels that way. I always love hearing the Pros and Cons. But oh well your right. You just gotta move on. But remember theres always gonna be that person whose gonna stand out. And I think Im one of those. lol..hahaha but thanks.
Sep 5th 2007 12:29   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome Luis. I am glad that you understand the reason. I would like to think that most members would handle it correctly. But, then again you always have to factor in human nature :) Talk soon, Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 12:34   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
From a Blog or group discussion point of view if someone wanted to leave a comment and mention they topped the subject they can do so in this comments section.

In this section however, its a bit like giving a donation - we don't do it to get a big head - we do it because we value what & who we are giving it to.
Sep 5th 2007 13:05   
Luis Gutierrez Advanced   
Your right Eric. But wouldnt you like to know why? Of course everyone writes the good about it under the comments but most people just like to be negative but they wont say why?

Just like Ebay, if your selling something andd you either dont send it on time or your product is not good quality, most of the time you'll get negative feedback. But at least it shows you whom left that negative feedback and sometimes they leave you a message and sometimes they dont. All Im saying why cant it be like that here. I mean if people feel negative towards your opinions. Why not be able to email them back and ask why? Like Lynn said "The reason is because that would lead to further abuse of the system, in the form of paybacks". But Isnt everyone here Professionals, but more important arent we all adults!

So far, Im loving what people have to say about this subject. Its uniting us!
Sep 5th 2007 13:39   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Hi Luis,

Not really. I focus more on what my next topic will be more so than what my top or drop rate is. But thats just me.

(...I don't mean to go off topic but the BCE is one place where accountability would be a good option. Particularly for higher ranked sites. If an ABC has ranked 8 - 10 on average then all of a sudden gets a 4, I think this is where a message should be written as to why a low vote was given, one member in particular stated in another topic how he has rated high - then someone voted him low and sent his score down...)

If we spend our time looking back on what we done, we will have less energy to use to move forward.
Sep 5th 2007 14:12   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Since you went of topic, I will go off topic to answer you. This has been brought up many times before and it falls under the same answer-it would just generate abuse in other areas of the site. We need to think of the larger picture...and not the handful of members who choose to play games with the scoring. As the site grows and more members use the exchange these members who continue to play with the scores will not matter. The majority will speak and your score will reflect this. Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 14:27   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Hi Lynn,

My thoughts are for an anonymous remark as to why the vote was lowered. No one would need to know who made the vote - except the person who made it. It would make them stop and think - Did i make the right decision with that vote ? The accountability lies with the person making the vote.

But thats enough about that - it has nothing to do with Luis' original question. I just made a side note so as not to confuse my thoughts on not needing accountability in the blog or group discussion sections with my previous comments in other topics about accountability in the BCE.

Sep 5th 2007 14:41   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
My response to an anonymous remark, would be "why?". That would still not give actual accountability or change your score back. Also your average score will just change from time to time also. Not everybody will see your business center the same way. And like I have mentioned , once the site starts growing and members start using the exchange more a few votes won't matter. Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 15:00   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
An anonymous remark makes the user (voter) think whether they got it right or not. And if the anonymous remarks were logged in the users member area they could look at them as constructive criticism and use the remarks to make improvements to their ABC's. Things they may not have thought of.

Like a "private" testimonial...
Sep 5th 2007 15:06   
Luis Gutierrez Advanced   

Yea your right. We have to move on forward.

But, when it comes to something new successful people use the system " Plan, Do and Review" So what Im saying any feedback positive or negative falls under the review. If we can only review the positves, we would keep doing the right things to a succesful business, but if we dont learn from the negatives we would keep doing the wrong things. So thats why its important to know both sides, so in the future your less likely to have negativity.

I dont think its fair that someone is making my business less credible because of a negative vote without me knowing the reason. Dont get me wrong. I am a strong believer in not caring for what unsuccessful people think. Give me a Million Negative Votes. I really dont care. But when it comes down to the credibility of my business thats what I care about. And everyone whom has there own business should as well.

Lastly, this is what Apsense has to say about there type of website in the "About Apsense".

"All contents on Apsense, from business blogs to business discussions to product and service listings are collectively rated by the users(that would be you). Top rated contents are pushed to the top of our content listings so you can find the most popular and trusted business information quickly. So if you are looking for valuable business information online to help you build your business, don't waste time searching for it anywhere else! "

If I invite people to join Apsense or Im just trying to simply build up my network. And let people know about my business. NO ONE is going to trust my business if its rated or ranked low. And If Im ranked low. How am I going to let people know about my business if Im always going to be at the bottom.

So like Eric said at least to receive a personal message from the person ranking you low would be good enough.

Sep 5th 2007 15:10   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Alright, I can see that this could go forever. So I will say at the time of this posting, there are no plans of implementing this kind of feature. This is not to say, that down the line we won't address this concern. But, right now we all should be looking at the larger picture. Such as the "World of Apsense(WOA) beta, launches September 10, 2007!".Now this is going to be great! Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 15:26   
Luis Gutierrez Advanced   
hahaha..its not that its never going to end. It just goes to show everyone that this is a good topic.

And I think we are looking forward to the new (WOA) beta. Thanks Lynn.
Sep 5th 2007 15:30   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome :) Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 15:37   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Sounds good. Thanks Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 15:39   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome Eric :) Lynn
Sep 5th 2007 15:46   
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