Marketing Pond

How is everyone doing?

by Edna Moore
Edna Moore Advanced  
This group is really falling off these days:)
How is everyone doing with building your Marketing Pond these days?
I still only have one member under me:( It seems no matter how much I advertise I can not get members:(

Hope everyone is having a great week,
Aug 28th 2007 05:51

Sponsor Ads


Known Author Innovator  

Here are a few things you might try. Start a blog if you don't already have one, and write about MP frequently. Also put a banner for MP at the top of your blog so it's always there whether you've recently posted about MP or not. Circulate your blog in the traffic exchanges. Lots of times people will see a zillion MP affiliate pages while they're surfing the TE's and they get where they're hardly even seeing it any more, but if they see a blog that's talking about MP, it might catch their attention because you can tell them something about it that they haven't seen on those zillion affiliate pages they've already seen. I have the best success advertising my blog on Link Referral.

Second tip, use TE's that are NOT in the MP program list. I know that some people disagree with this, but I think there's too many other people advertising the same program if you just stick with those (I do use those, just not exclusively). And if the TE's you use have a good exchange rate for banner impressions, go with those. They vary hugely, so check it out and if you see one that gives you 50 impressions for one credit, advertise with banners. They do work.

Hope this helps.
Sep 26th 2007 17:47   
Sandy Mather Advanced   Writer
Hi all from Scarlet on MP,

Traffic exchanges are a great way to get sign-ups but you've got to work them. You need to surf about 4 or 5 a day and try and view 100 sites each. I use a Firefox browser which means you can open more than one in tabs and surf them at the same time.

Look out for upgrade deals and grab them especially if they're for 3months or better still a year. I agree with knownauthor, use some of the more obscure TE's to get a wide range of people looking at your ad.

Good Luck :)
Oct 14th 2007 09:05   
Barbara Phillips Freshman   
I was slow in promoting, I joined Marketing pond on 7/29 but did not really promote alot until about a month or so ago, but since I started promoting I got 20 people directedl and 2 indirects to sign up.
Oct 20th 2007 21:12   
Kellie Freshman   
i started out slow, but any site i upgrade at gave me free ads, so i used them for MP and GTC, now i have a 19 first line and 4 indirect on the pond and i'm keeping it going! sadly, not all of them are active!

Jan 22nd 2008 18:25   
Teeray L. Advanced   Researcher, Blogger, Gamer
I agree with the comments about blogging. Here are a few suggestions to accompany that post:

* Write "HOW TO" tips specifically about the Marketing Pond program - right on your blog. Just like has been done here in this group.

* Place links in your blogging - to discussion threads like this one - but only to places that really displaying really helpful will gain you some 'name' exposure, particularly if you use some of these 'social' community blogs for writing more 'how to' stuff.

* BE HONEST and explain on your blogs any shortcomings that you have come across within the programs inside Marketing Pond or with Marketing Pond itself......(the pond is NOT WITHOUT a few speedbumps - no program ever is)...then ASK readers of your blog to suggest TO YOU some possible solutions. Make sure you put some kind of contact info right in the post where you will do this so people know you are SERIOUS about asking for or accepting helpful comments. Of course, only do this if you intend on two-way communication - don't put an opt-in form up to just snag an email address for your list - people are sick of those and sick of list-mongers.
Feb 5th 2008 13:52   
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