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I need help

by Ariela Gonzalez
Ariela Gonzalez Advanced  
I'm new so I don't know how to create a link on an ad, could you teach me how to do it, please? Thank you
Aug 20th 2007 21:39

Sponsor Ads


Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Try this...

Aug 20th 2007 21:53   
James Anderson Junior   
It would be easier to just see the ad and I can create it and send it back in just a couple of minutes!

Aug 20th 2007 21:54   
Billy Martin Advanced   
if you want to make a link clickable
you have to use the UBBCODE

the correct way to do this is [url]yourlink[/url]

good luck if you need more help just let me know
Aug 20th 2007 22:19   
Mark Stephen Hauser Professional
ApSense has a page to assist you: ttp://

As an example, using [url][/url] and inserting my link below in place of the above would make my link clickable (which isn't allowed in comments like this, but in your blogs, bulletins, etc, it is)...

Thanks, Stephen
Aug 21st 2007 10:38   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Hyperlinking to Keywords has a better standing in relation to SEO. Using a string like....

[URL=]YOUR "keyword" TEXT HERE[/URL]

....will help more towards your page ranking, especially when used throughout a keyword rich article.

Aug 21st 2007 14:59   
Ariela Gonzalez Advanced   
Thank you all of you ... I'm sorry but I still don't get it. Can any of you explain me with an example? For instance you say try this but I don't know when you write [URL] at the end does that mean I have to write the URL of the site? See, I don't get it.
Aug 23rd 2007 22:03   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Just copy this exactly....

[URL=]YOUR "keyword" TEXT HERE[/URL]

Change "" to your website link

Change "YOUR "keyword" TEXT HERE" to whatever words you want hyperlinked.

The [URL= & the [/URL] are the tags that make the link clickable. Just remember that links don't work in replies like this - only in the main subject like your original post.
Aug 23rd 2007 22:15   
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