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In need of professional advice...

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
Today I encountered what I now see is three concerns.

1. What is the protocol for problems that arise among members in a networking community such as this one?

2. Does anyone know if there is a problem with quoting from one blog or posting within your own? is that copyright infringement? if the quote was attributed to the author and the text was an excerpt not the entire article... isn't that an appropriate way to quote another's words?

3. What would you do if you found that several of your own blogs had content deleted either nearly all of it or any live link, image or promotion that you were reviewing?

It would be greatly appreciated for you insights regarding any or all of these...

Aug 17th 2007 05:32

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Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
You're very GOOOD with asking questions Beth! But who has the answers... ?
Aug 17th 2007 06:00   
David Dubb Professional   ESL Coach + InternetWork Marketer
Hi Beth,

I checked my blogs today and found a fortune of content and links deleted as well. I don't know why it happened.
I will post a query to admin right now and let you know.

Aug 17th 2007 06:22   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
thanks for the replies... I think this will be looked into shortly!

Aug 17th 2007 06:52   
Mark Stephen Hauser Professional
Yes, I do see some problems with my blogs. What used to be HTML capable have all been changed to non-clickable links, so now I need to go through all of them and fix, using UBB or whatever works. Not sure if it is a glitch, or perhaps happened when ApSense converted our blogs over to the new format where they look different and you can "top" them.

Thanks, and good luck, Stephen
Aug 17th 2007 07:46   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
You're right. I just have checked my blogs. There is a BIG mess there. Maybe it's a technical problem or they do not want links on blogs anymore...

But then, why HTML code is there? Are we here at Apsense, like ADAM and EVE in the Garden of Eden !? It's a SIN to use HTML code?

Smile friends... : )

Aug 17th 2007 08:25   
Angela Chen Shui Committed   
Thanks for the heads up re #3, Beth. I'll have to go check mine.

Re your #2: Quoting a bit, using a short excerpt from another's blog is a traditional blogging technique. Reading something that someone else has written often triggers a whole new stream of thought which is great blog post fodder.

A link is usually done and either the name of the blog or the name of the person who wrote it but I've often seen just the link... sometimes we're all in a hurry and leave out name but if the link is there, the reader who is sufficiently interested will click over, which is the most important thing, because that's traffic to your blog and a possible list opt in if they like what they see.

Excerpts should be kept short.. a few sentences a couple paragraphs. Or better yet, broken down into segments with the writer's comments in between.

Can't comment with much more depth without actually seeing what you're talking about but just wanted to share guidelines I've learned whilst blogging since August, 2004.

Not sure about #1, except to say a personal, polite, calm approach is alwaysss the first step. If something is wrong, try to work it out with the person involves, privately.

Blessings, Beth and create today to be unforgettable and completely Soul-aligned.

Aug 17th 2007 12:48   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
It wasn't just links that were removed, it was the overall formating of the blogs.

For this to happen, I'm guessing there was a scripting update with the blog area and this may have caused the HTML to be stripped from the blogs.

If thats the case, its just a matter of updating the links. I updated mine and they are working now.
Aug 17th 2007 13:48   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Hi Lifestyle,
Yeh, update, but for how long...? Who knows? Tomorrow we may start again...
Aug 17th 2007 15:05   
Wesley H. Advanced   Computer Tech
Hello Much awaited answer is here after talking to the programmer he said they updated the blogs section and all links was converted to text only they were unaware at the time and we are sorry its took the links out.

On a positive side the blogs areas are done for tweaks and future updates shouldnt affect them.

We are only 3 months old so we have come a long way and can only get better.

Edit your blogs to fix your links as we can not do them. Once you have fixed them they will be fine and shouldn't disapear again.

Oh 1 more thing Blogs areas now support HTML instead of ubb
Aug 17th 2007 20:23   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Thought as much - Thanks Wes...
Aug 17th 2007 20:54   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Thanks a lot. Hope everything will be ok. I'm going to redo my links.

However, I think we shouldn't have too many links in a blog, so that people can read the blog not just flounder around your blog and the other links (sites)...

Better Business Webucation
Aug 17th 2007 21:19   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
great advice teodor, i am now just hyperlinking my signature with my personal website.
Aug 17th 2007 21:30   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Everyone...

thanks for the replies (again) Wes has let us know that it is a error that has been corrected... and the correction will keep it from happening the next time the blogs are updated

Here's what he wrote...if you scoll down you'll see it again!

Hello Much awaited answer is here after talking to the programmer he said they updated the blogs section and all links was converted to text only they were unaware at the time and we are sorry its took the links out.

On a positive side the blogs areas are done for tweaks and future updates shouldnt affect them.

We are only 3 months old so we have come a long way and can only get better.

Edit your blogs to fix your links as we can not do them. Once you have fixed them they will be fine and shouldn't disapear again.

Oh 1 more thing Blogs areas now support HTML instead of ubb


thanks so much for your words... yes, I was definitely in need of sisterly advice! I had had quite an early day and then this all happened after I had gone thru and updated those very same blogs that changed...

but they're easy enough to fix and I'll get it done shortly..

thanks lifestyle, runingman, teodor, Wes, David etc...

Aug 17th 2007 21:41   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Hi Lifestyle,
Apropos, what's your real name?
You wrote: "i am now just hyperlinking my signature with my personal website."
My answer: That's the best way to linkize and publicize your blog!
Best regards to all,

Aug 17th 2007 22:34   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Hi Teodor,

If i told you my real name you would have no reason to visit my Profile ;o)
Aug 17th 2007 23:34   
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
Good strategy, Eric from Australia!
Aug 17th 2007 23:56   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Aug 18th 2007 00:09   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
I've gotten all the blogs updated and almost to what they once were!

I hope every one else has also...

Hi Eric... with the addition of the live links in signaturea I can place a name, face and website together and begin to learn who everyone is...

I have sorted thru all three of the trials I was beset with when I first posted this thread... and have no doubt had some sort of marketing online epiphany...

You need the patience of a saint to succeed at internet marketing! LOL! or at least a sense of humor...

Aug 20th 2007 05:48   
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