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Kevin Anderson

by Eric Smith Online Professional
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Sorry for being off topic... Couldn't work out the best group for this one...

News was released over the weekend that Kevin Anderson had died. For those who don't know, Kevin created the hugely successful Cognigen Business & Opportunity. While i didn't persue Cognigen as a Business Opportunity when i joined (Most products were outside my country), though I did learn a lot from this business.

Kevin was a big name in the industry and a huge supporter of Traffic Exchange Programs... I'm certain his presence will be missed both online and off...
Aug 13th 2007 18:35

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Rusty Rose Advanced   
Anybody who is on the Internet will recognize the name Cognigen. I am really sorry to hear of his passing. I understand he was quite a likeable guy and will be missed. My prayers go out to him and his family.
Aug 14th 2007 01:16   
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