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The [email]helmutheiber@yahoo.com[/email] doesn't work

by Helmut Heiber
Helmut Heiber Advanced  
I put int the following


and the email address doesn't show up as a link or in blue it just says the same thing


Are any of you having the same problem and can it be fixed?

Thanks, Helmut
Aug 10th 2007 17:52

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Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
Hi Helmut,
we had the same problem.Just copy and paste the following
and you should be allright:
Aug 10th 2007 18:43   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
thanks... that is good to know...

Aug 11th 2007 03:30   
Jim Johnson Freshman   
Monika & Wayne, that is not a typical html type tag? how did you come up with that tag that allows links to be entered? Thanks, Jim
Aug 12th 2007 00:51   
Monika & Wayne T. Senior   Time Travellers
They are UBB Code,that's the system used here.It took a little while to
figure it out.
Monika & Wayne
Aug 12th 2007 04:45   
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