Natural Health

Custom Made Orthotics, Burlington Custom Made Orthotics, Custom Made Orthotics Burlington,

by Barbara Raonell Guidance counselor
Barbara Raonell Freshman Guidance counselor
If you have foot, knee, hip or back issues and they seem to be bothered even more with standing and walking, then take advantage of the professional biomechanical assessments offered at PhysioMax Wellness.
Any of our 4 experienced Physiotherapists, or Chiropractor or Chiropodist can perform a thorough assessment to fully determine if orthotics are necessary and what specific orthotic would be best for you. Our Physiotherapists are available from Monday to Friday, our Chiropractor is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays and our Chiropodist is available every 2nd Tuesday.
Apr 26th 2015 16:51

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