Women Working From Home!!

Hello from KS

by Samantha Bush Weight loss and marketing consultant
Samantha Bush Advanced   Weight loss and marketing...
Hello everyone! I'm Samantha, I'm 23 and work part time at home and part time at Wal-mart as a CSM. I look forward to getting to know you all!
May 26th 2007 10:22

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Sheryl Advanced   
Hello & Welcome Samantha!!!!
It is great to have you here!
Have a wonderful day,
May 26th 2007 16:24   
Jenny Montgomery Innovator  
Hey fellow Kansan, I would love to invite you to learn more about Fortune. It is catching on like wildfire up around the Derby, KS area and you don't want to miss out. Please email me and I'll tell you all about it!

I just got my paycheck today!

May 26th 2007 21:18   
Sdfsdf Dsfsdf Advanced  
hello there. Im new here too. Hope to exchange some good info with you~! Anywhay, here's my page, A lil' bit bout me and my place Malaysia.


May 27th 2007 00:10   
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