Online Business Alliance

A Touch Of Inspiration

by John Leith
John Leith Senior  
Firstly I must apologise for being AWOL.

There’s no excuse, so I won’t attempt to give one ;o)

Here’s some inspiration from one of our new friends at OBA. I’ve also included a splash page donated by our resident “image guru” - Nat

Quote:VIP Business Owner? Folks, this is really a “No Brainer”.

From 1996 to 2001 I gave more money away to online scammers than I care to remember. To quote Dave, I was, “trying to find my way through the maze of truth, half-truth, hype and outright lies” found on the Internet.

Finally I gave up and for the next 5 years I didn’t believe anybody or anything I read about starting an online business. I had been defeated one time too many. I gave up on ever having a real online business. At least I gave up for a time.

Without going into detail, let me share that I believe God has given me a passion for reclaiming America for Christ by working politically at the grassroots level. I work with organizations like the “Family Research Council” in Washington, DC, the “American Family Association” in Tupelo, Mississippi, and others. However, there never seems to be enough money for the work that needs to be done.

Recently I began to pray and ask God to show me how I could make some additional money to do the work He has called me to do. I know that God never calls us to do anything without providing everything we need to accomplish the task.

Still very skeptical, I began thinking again about the possibility of an online business.

Asking for God’s protection and determined not to be scammed again, I did something I had not done in over 5 years. I did a Google search for “Christian Online Businesses”. My search led me to my OBA sponsor’s website. He was promoting several programs and had a grid on his site containing links to the programs he offered. There were 14 links in the grid and I just happened to click on,,,,,,,,at this point you don’t really believe that I just “happened” to click on anything, do you? No way! I believe with all my heart that God led me to the link that said “Online Business Alliance”! And as they say, the rest is history.

Thank you for the indulgence of personal testimony. But I wanted everyone to see OBA from my perspective. Do you see why I have no problem whatsoever with agreeing “NOT to advertise or promote any other online program or money-making opportunity”? What other money-making opportunity? I haven’t seen one. I’ve seen plenty of “so called” money-making opportunities but they all failed. They failed either because they lacked integrity and never intended to help me succeed or they lacked the people to help me figure out what to do in order to succeed. OBA has both.

What about agreeing to “become and remain an active participant in the OBC”? This is where I get to chat with the folks who helped me when I did not have a clue how to start. Talk about a debt of gratitude! How can I not do everything I can to help others when I have been helped so much? And when effective methods of operating an online business change, how will I know what changes I need to make unless I stay in touch with my family members in the OBC? This is really NOT rocket science.

Point number 3 says I must “agree to do everything within my power to help the OBA Business Owners in your own group achieve success”. The key words here are “own group”. These are the people who are directly responsible for expanding “your own” business. Why would I not help those in my own group? I believe we should help anybody from any group anytime we can, but if a person is not willing to help those in their “own group” they may as well leave OBA now. If a person is not willing to help others succeed it is because that person is selfish. If a person is selfish they will hold their possessions with a closed fist, rather than an open hand. That is a sure way to never have much of anything. The only way to “have” is to “give”. I know it’s a paradox, but it’s true.

According to point number 4 we must “conduct your business activities in a spirit of cooperation and respect that is conducive to successful Teamwork between yourself and those VIP Business Owners who own a business that your business is a part of”. This is a long way of saying that we must understand the meaning of “Teamwork”. I think everyone knows that Together Everyone Achieves More. You simply cannot climb the mountain alone. But remember this as well, You also cannot help another to the top of the mountain without going to the top yourself. If two people attempt to walk the rails of a railroad track alone, each will eventually loose their balance and fall off. But if they simply reach out to each other and join hands, they can walk around the world without falling. A spirit of cooperation and respect is essential to success. Wouldn’t you agree?

Number 5 simply says we must “accept the VIP Business Owner Agreement and confirm your acceptance”.

What Dave is really asking us to ask ourselves is, “Am I willing to make the commitment to devote 100% of my online activities to moving OBA forward and helping others achieve success as OBA Business Owners”? If I can answer “Yes”, the VIP Business Owner Program was created for me.

As I said before, for me, it’s really a “No Brainer”. What about you?

Blessings to you all,


Ps: Dave, thanks for OBA. What an awesome business. I trust one day I will have the opportunity to shake your hand a thank you personally.

Thanks to Mark and Nat.
Aug 8th 2007 20:40

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Barbara Eyre Advanced   

This is an awesome post! Mark's post was very inspiring and I still love that splash page image!

I hope the word gets out ... especially with the new features coming soon! *wink*

~ Barbara
Sep 21st 2007 12:31   
Wendy Senior   

I am 100% committed to OBA and can't wait for the new features to arrive.

Here's hoping others will follow our lead and join the Team

Sep 26th 2007 17:55   
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