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FREE vs paid advertising and traffic strategies

by Teodor M. Blockchain Real Estate
Teodor M. Professional   Blockchain Real Estate
About free and paid advertising and site traffic I can write a book, but few ideas are here…

- Join other professional social networking sites and tell your story there. The best I found: Apsense, Lazzeo, Ojeez, or BizPreneur, etc.
- Check HUGE social networking sites as MySpace
- Write articles at: Associate Digest Article Directory
- Publish lenses about your new site by free subscribing to Squidoo
- Write a review for your site; see an example at Home Business Art
- Use Web 2.0 technology (Technocraty, Digg,, StumbleUpon, My Blog Log, etc.) and put widgets on your site.
- Write daily blog articles about your site events and changes on social networking site blogs or on your personal free blog from, such as: Miroland’s Business Networking Blog,
- Use the power of FREE Press Release and RSS. See an example of press release at: RoBusiness Friend Service
- Traffic exchange is a very low speed, so I don’t recommend it, but who has time to stay at the desktop non-stop, can use it also!

There are at least 100 more free advertising and traffic strategies but I can’t write here more now. Some of them are discussed on my free report series published on: No Secret Marketing Site.

Besides the fact that social networking sites are very well exposed to Search Engines, on most of them you have free classifieds and can post ads there too.

Paid advertising:
- PPC advertising. The best is Adwords type of advertising; there are many sites similar to Google Adwords too. The rest paid advertising is WASTE of money, in my opinion.

To your site traffic success,
3N Group
Aug 3rd 2007 16:45

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