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They would not be difficult ... and you could accomplish your dream!

by Carmen sofia Malinescu affiliate marketing
Carmen sofia Malinescu Magnate I   affiliate marketing
You asked what would happen if all people would give you $ 10? They would not be difficult ... and you could accomplish your dream!
In Romania, crowdfunding site is still in its infancy, so sometimes associated with the idea of 'begging or alms'. You have to explain to people to understand that it is not giving money 'out of pity or charity'
but to support an idea that we believe and we want to achieve.
The term 'Crowdfunding' translated in Romanian means funding from the crowd. Refers to finance an idea by small amounts of a large number of people "ordinary" interested in contributing to its realization. The amount of donations can be any amount which affords or supporter who wants to donate your project
Jan 21st 2015 10:21

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Carmen sofia Malinescu Magnate I   affiliate marketing
Refers to finance an idea by small amounts of a large number of people "ordinary" interested in contributing to its realization. The amount of donations can be any amount which affords or supporter who wants to donate your project.
Jan 21st 2015 10:24   
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