Young and Beautiful Women - YABW

Can being hit in the stomach cause a miscarriage?

by Select IVF One of the Best IVF Specialist in India
Select IVF Advanced One of the Best IVF...
There are a lot of old wives tales about how miscarriages happen. One is that falling down stairs, or being hit in the stomach or abdomen, is a way to induce a miscarriage.
Jan 20th 2015 00:05

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Som Kalpna Sharma Committed   Social Women Care Security Service Advise
yes & no both r true. Miscarriage relates with stomach or abdomen injury severity and time of conception. However certainly effect on womb is always there.
Old sayings r true in Advance stage of pregnancies and not initial but nature of injury is certainly main impact issue
Jan 21st 2015 09:47   
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