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Date Joined

by Eric Smith Online Professional
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
To get an idea of where a Member is at with their Business Centre, would it be possible to have a "Date Joined" section in the members profile ?

This would also help in rating business centres.

A member who joined yesterday would not have had the chance to do the same to their business centre as one who joined a month ago.
Aug 2nd 2007 16:24

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Mike Hunt Advanced   
G`day Wes,
thanks for looking into it but it`s not an easy one to work out, here`s a suggestion for you though.

Instead of putting a limit, is it possible to make whoever post`s an "out of average range score" to give a reason why it`s such a big difference. This will work both ways then, if someone votes a Biz Centre with an average of 7 or 8 and gives a real low score, they have to give a reason for that vote to be valid.

Same works the other way, if a low score Biz Centre suddenly get`s an high score, a reason must be given. If the site has been updated and the Biz Centre is worthy of the score, noone will complain about putting the reason up, if it`s obviously just a "donkey vote" though, it will stop those bad apples from altering the scores unfairly.

Anyway, this is probably all gibberish to ya ... hahha ... clear as a bell in my head but probably to much to actually implement ... just some extra ideas to think with ; )

Aug 4th 2007 12:01   
Mike Hunt Advanced   
G`day Lynn,
gee ya posted quick then or i`m slow ... lol ... I thought that may of been what you meant, just didn`t come across that way looking at it ... it`s all good. Thanx for relaying that message to support ... `nuff said about that ... lol.

Aug 4th 2007 12:06   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
No worries. That written "you" gets misunderstood alot. It is a habit that I am trying to break :)
Thanks for understanding, Lynn
Aug 4th 2007 12:14   
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