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Its true facts tell stories sell!

by Robert Coaster Independent Business Owner
Robert Coaster Committed   Independent Business Owner
Start selling your stories today!
Jan 10th 2015 23:22

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Roger Martin Advanced   Helping Professional Networkers
My story is so common its unreal, I need get out of walmart cashiering within a Year and 1/2 or less and make 1200 or more per month. You have heard the line too soon old too late smart - well that's me - I tried a 1000 things well maybe a few hundred over the last 40 years but I didn't have the skill or the confidence to make the right decisions with the right companies - oh got to go check a pie in the oven - be right back - there are so many things you have to learn to do better when it comes to talking with people and building a relationship with them! Woman many of them are so much better at it than the guys - but its the guys that figure things out and put them into systems - etc they do must of the programs and public speaking - not that woman can't - its just the way things are done.
I needed to learn what to say and how to follow up with people - learn how to make it simple and effect - even fun along the way - plus put your own personality into it.That is hard to do - when you have come from such a loner - mindset - all people aren't bad - it's just a few that really get to you! The real power is in the TRUST you develop over the years - it takes time and it take work - plus it can be destroyed if you are foolish about how you treat people - learn more about how you can do this an more with me and other experts!
Feb 12th 2015 13:55   
Robert Coaster Committed   Independent Business Owner
Thanks for posting. I listen to the experts & share their teachings but i will never be one myself I just share what i care & think about and what i think will help others is all.
Feb 12th 2015 14:55   
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