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Twitter & Linkedin

by Osmaan Mooraby Professional Crypto Trader
Osmaan Mooraby Senior   Professional Crypto Trader
If you are using Twitter for business and you’re already on LinkedIn, there is no reason you shouldn’t be using them to serve the goals you want to achieve on either network. Finding prospects on social media is a lot easier when you already know which people are the most socially active online.
If we are talking about business people, those who are on Twitter are almost guaranteed to be on LinkedIn as well. Although that conclusion is based on experience and not real data, I’m very confident you are going to find similar results if your company is primarily B2B (business to business).
There are a few reasons why Twitter can serve your LinkedIn goals. Unlike LinkedIn, Twitter allows you to:
Connect with any Twitter user (except the few that have set their profiles to private)
See beyond 2nd and 3rd level connections – you can see everyone on Twitter
Interact with any Twitter user
As you can see, Twitter offers a lot more flexibility than LinkedIn for meeting new potential prospects but how exactly can one serve the other?
Let’s dig in.
Sep 19th 2014 18:13

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