Marketing Advice

You must have an Avatar

by Terry Warner My Leads Call Me
Terry Warner Professional   My Leads Call Me
I get a lot of friend requests and there is no "picture" and then the post says, "will ad bio later."

How can any connecting be done under these circumstances. It is not good marketing. It is not good manners.

If you want to be my friend or connect with me, then you must have a picture and bio.
Jun 25th 2014 08:16

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Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
If you represent some company rather than your own person, rather than having a picture of yourself it may be beneficial at times to have an image that displays a company logo or otherwise UNIQUELY identifies you within a company.

Having NO image what so ever is a HUGE flaw to marketing AND social interaction. This is why nearly EVERY company has a professional trademarked logo. People associate and identify with images more than anything.

Anyone putting "will add bio later" or any other such things, I INSTANTLY consider a scammer. This is a common practice of scammers cause they set up countless accounts and they don't have the time, desire, or need to fill out bio's for their scammy perposes.

In fact they are usually the people who either try a dating scam or try a "I have money I want to send you" scam on you.

TO put this simply, I COMPLETELY agree with what this post says except that it doesn't always need to me a picture - an identifying image can work well.
Jun 26th 2014 15:56   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Some members are given the job of checking if the image submitted is a 'real photo', and no mention is made of a logo. I would assume from that a real photo is more than just preferred.
Jun 29th 2014 12:00   
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