
Creating your own product

by Bridgette Porter
Bridgette Porter Advanced  
One of the great things about the internet is that there are many ways to take your own passions, interests, hobbies and talents and turn them into a profitable stream of income. A great way to do this is by writing your own Ebook. An Ebook has many advantages over traditional books that are sold in bookshops.

For the author it offers the ability to easily get their work published and also affords them the freedom to write about just about anything that they want to without any restrictions. The profit margins are also significantly higher. With a traditional book the profits that go to the author are usually in the region of fifteen percent of the sale price. However, in the world of Ebooks the profit can be very close to one hundred percent.

For the customer there is are also significant advantages because they can buy the book at any time of the day and receive an instant download. They also save the money and time that would usually be involved with going to a bookstore to buy. Usually Ebooks are bundled with great extras which makes them even better value.

Once you have committed to the decision that you are going to write your own book what you must decide is the topic. Then it is wise to find out what sort of demand there would be for that particular niche. You can do this by going to Overture and using their keyword tool to see how many searches were made for that niche over the past month.

If there were a reasonable number of searches then you want to start writing. You should create a plan and then stick to it. A realistic plan could be to write three pages per day over a month. Start today and then in a month’s time you will have written your very own ninety page Ebook. Not too difficult, is it? All it requires is commitment.

After you have completed writing your book you will need to have a one page sales page from which to sell it. This is extremely easy to set up with a Website creation software like XSitePro. Then to allow yourself to accept orders from your site you will need to sign up with Clickbank or PayPal. This is not complicated at all and will help you to automate the process.

Finally to get the book into a package that is easy to download you will want to convert it to a PDF. Then you will want to have an attractive Ebook cover created. The old saying, "Don’t judge a book by it’s cover," may have some truth in it, however, in the world of selling things it is of incredible importance to have a cover that will draw the customer in and more likely to buy from you.

Services such as this are provided at freelance websites such as Elance. It can be extremely helpful before starting out writing your Ebook to get some good advice on all the major issues that you may come across and really streamline the experience. Jim Edwards offers some really good advice in his Write An Ebook in 7 Days programme.
Jul 21st 2007 00:55

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Nini G. Advanced   teacher
Hi there!!You done a good job!!Now I understand more!!Thanks Silvana
Oct 6th 2007 20:18   
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