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The Challenges I have Writing Articles

by Mike G. Marketer
Mike G. Professional   Marketer
Now I'm not trying to inspire anyone to sell me anything trust me I do very well financially so...the major challenge is that I suck at writing and I know it but it seems to work incredibly well for many years.

At one point in my life I could have written a novel with ease and little to no editing needed now I'm a mere shell of what I use to be...I often ask myself how did that happen.

I guess it was writing so much on the internet which I learned right away that if I want to make money I better learn to write like a 6th grader. I guess, I have to reluctantly admit that I have gotten mentally lazy!

I admire reading great writers. Not the ones that the world forces down our throats but the ones that I come across that write like it is a breathe of air...they have to do it.

Selling is something that comes natural for me but writing is one of things I would like to master one day. Anyhow I will keep growing slowly but surely I wish you all the best!
Mar 15th 2014 13:28

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Raymond Oickle Advanced   entrepenuer
I've never had trouble writing, I love writing. My problem is I completely butcher proper grammar and punctuation......
Apr 20th 2014 09:41   
Mike G. Professional   Marketer
Raymond Oickle, don't worry about it, I do as well. I have made a killing with bad grammar! Actually I'm highly skilled at it now!

So Raymond I say this don't you dare stop doing what you love! If you love it others will see beyond the simple errors and love reading it. Good luck!
Apr 23rd 2014 14:28   
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