Bitcoin Economy

How Confident are you with the future of the Bitcoin ?

by Anon E. Internet Ninja
Anon E. Professional   Internet Ninja
And Can I Still Get Free Bitcoins ? Following the rescent Mt Gox situation and bankruptcy in Japan. Do you feel that the Bitcoin may inherently have flaws that do not permit this form of currency to be truly viable and is just waiting to reveal even more issues?
Mar 3rd 2014 05:09

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Tony H. Professional   Myandurbiz
First off I am very confident of Bitcoins future and I feel very sorry for all of you who are not being opened minded as to what's about to occur with the worlds currencies.The media wants to keep you in the dark as to thinking that Bitcoin is just a bubble or a fad, while they are doing their secret Bitcoin investments because they have the inside scoop as to what's about to occur up in Washington.But of course you guy's aren't aware of this because your focus is primarily on what I see most still doing and that's chasing or building someones else's dream.Trust me in the governments didn't think that bitcoin wasn't a threat to the worlds banking system then explain the ongoing suicidal deaths happening within the JP Morgan banking organization.I tell you people please wake up and smell the coffee, because things are definitely about to change with the USD and it's #1 position as the Standard currency.My friend get these free bitcoins while you can and just let them build while you share your link with others:FREE BITCOIN GIVEAWAY !!!
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Mar 4th 2014 22:05   
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