Business Partners

Hi again to Everyone an idea.

by Randy Baldwin
Randy Baldwin Advanced  
Hi Everybody,

I have been in touch with our KuwaitLady and had an idea.

The thing would be for us all to pull together as a Team. And create our own giveaway.

It would be a great way for all who agree, to make some more contacts. And to show others our sites.

Now I have plenty of products so if someone needed something to contribute.

Please ask, I have been around awhile online since 1995 and being from Canada, at that time there were no ISP's. So I fudged it and used my employers U.S. address to get online through compuserve.

And I have been hooked ever since.

So folks chew on this idea ,and we can also make some sales.

Warm Regards,
Randy Baldwin
Jul 18th 2007 15:45

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