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Effectively Market Your Business Using Traffic Exchanges

by Fred Mugone Health, Wellness, e-Business
Fred Mugone Magnate I   Health, Wellness, e-Business
How to Avoid the Mistakes Most People Make and Get the Most Out of Traffic Exchanges

Here, you will find out how you can use traffic exchanges to effectively market and promote your website, affiliate links, products, services and get REAL RESULTS.

Traffic exchanges are a very effective means of generating traffic if you know how to use them properly. The aim of this article is to give you information on how to effectively use them...

About Traffic Exchanges. What Are They All About?

Free manual traffic exchanges use a simple idea where you look at other members web pages in exchange they look at yours. It's that simple, however, most people miss the deceptively powerful application of these services.

A traffic exchange in reality is a high speed, on demand, "instant on", full page classified traffic system where you can test your headlines, your copy, web colors and your business in extremely short order thus enabling you to get better and better results

That sounds fine and you may or may not have ever used a manual traffic exchange but there are a couple of insider techniques which through constant tracking and testing have shown how to effectively use them to get results.

First thing: You must use a tabbed browser like Firefox where you can open many exchanges at the same time and do your surfing. Remember that when you surf and look at other peoples pages they in turn are looking at yours.

Start by joining the 6 best traffic exchanges on the net. You can of course join more but only testing will tell you which ones are delivering a constant and steady flow of traffic from your surfing efforts. Click on the following link to check out some top rated traffic exchanges:


Personally, I would recommend the following 6 free (and cost-effective - should you decide to upgrade) marketing exchanges to generate traffic to your site(s) with very good results. Check them out and see what they can do for you. I hope you will find them as useful as I have. Remember, these are 6 of the best traffic exchanges on the net: Tried, tested and proven to produce real results.

a) HitMagik. Why Hitmagik? 12 very good reasons:

1. Desktop Ads shown one to one direct on our member desktops.
2. No login Start Page Surfer.
3. The give you 200 FREE Credits Signup Bonus.
4. You Earn residual income from your downline.
5. The traffic is extremely unique and highly targeted.
6. 4 account types including Lifetime Pro.
7. Up to 10 referring levels under you.
8. Get paid to read In-house emails and click banner/text ads.
9. Personal Downline Builder to build YOUR referrals in YOUR
10. Downline Mailer that you can add cash/credits incentives to!
11. Tracking campaigns to help you track your referring efforts.
12. Sell our own unique custom software at a price set by YOU.

Click on the following link to find out more...


b) TrafficSwarm: Another very good way to instantly get targeted visitors to your website. Over 400,000 member network:


c) Hits guaranteed here at ClickThru:


d) You will love these hits:


e) Pump up your website visitors with Startxchange:


f) Traffic generation and list building made easy:


Want more traffic building tools? They can be found here:


Before you enter any URL into these traffic systems, wherever possible, first create a special fast loading splash page. It should load within 2 - 10 seconds max. Quite a number of exchanges provide you with ready to use splash pages which are equally effective. Use them.

What mechanisms you use in the splash page is important and should be targeted to your market and designed to collect leads. Most people who refuse to use the manual traffic exchanges complain mostly that they don't work for them.

With some quick questions and answers you will find that most of those who say they don't work did not use them for very long. Maybe a month or three but not much more. This is their first mistake - a big mistake. You must use this tool everyday consistently and stay focused and dedicated to increasing your traffic everyday using the traffic exchanges. Using a tabbed browser you can easily create one thousand free visits to your splash page every day. Surf, surf, surf and surf some more. Use a lead capture page preferably a fast loading splash page.

Increase Your Results by Doing the Following.

1. Wherever possible, put your photo on your site. People do business with people not web sites or programs. You want them to get to know you and should want to get to know them so. This is called network marketing.

2. Again, wherever possible, put your full name and phone number including the country and area codes. You do want the prospects calling you for more information so you can close the deals and get a new signup.

3. Use a headline that tells the biggest benefit to THEM! Use the color red for headlines and blue for sub headings.

4. Use three or four bulleted list of the top benefits to them when they join you or subscribe. In other words time is short and time is money. Don't waste theirs.

5. Use a call to action like “Get Started Right Away!”

6. Build your downlines with the respective traffic exchanges by promoting the referral URL'S that you will be provided with. By doing so, you start, in addition to your own efforts, generating large amounts of viral traffic to your website(s). The more you promote the bigger your downlines become - and, eventually, more $,$$$,$$$ for you...

7. Using audio or video's that immediately start playing when the user opens the page is a BIG mistake. Many surfers may be in an online conference and listening to training when voice or music starts blearing in their ear! You just lost a prospect. Those tactics may work with search engine traffic but they simply drive possible prospects running away from your site as fast as their fingers will take them.

There you have it. A quick guide to getting results from free manual traffic exchanges.

Using a splash page in the high speed digital classified arena called free manual traffic exchanges will absolutely produce real time leads the freshest you've ever had. Build you list faster! You will see increased traffic to your sites and build your downlines in those associated programs as well.

Ok, so now you have all the pieces put together, you now MUST put the machine in motion. You want traffic for free? You want free hot fresh leads created and sent to your inbox in real time? You must surf daily!

Now if you only have an hour a day to surf then do it daily seven days a week without fail. You need to do it longer than 30 days. You must do this everyday. Consistency, dedication, focus, determination, persistence and the keeping to the daily schedule are the vital keys to using manual traffic exchanges successfully to build your business and traffic to your site(s).

One great feature of the traffic exchanges is that a portion of your credits can be used for banner impressions on the individual networks you will be using. Unlike dedicated banner exchanges, the banner click through ratio's from the traffic exchange systems tend to be higher and more responsive to what you are promoting.

The traffic exchanges can literally grow your business in less than a year and more income will be the by product of this combinations of ingredients used in this outline.

Another tip: Offer something free to the visitors of your splash page for taking action right away. Offer a free to join program or download, perhaps a viral branded e-book?

The bottom line is that the free manual traffic exchanges indeed do perform well (Despite what all the skeptics say) and deliver tangible results in short order but mostly they produce leads and assist you in branding yourself within the community of web surfers using the exchanges. If they did not work for you before it's probably because you did not understand how to use them properly and how to get the results you were looking for.

I encourage you to take another long look at them and give it a good honest effort for at least a year using these tips and you will probably never stop using traffic exchanges again; you will make them a major component of your affiliate/website marketing strategies.

To Your Success,

Fred - Onlinebizteam

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Expand your network. Check out these other social business networking sites:

1) lazzeo.com/signup?friend=onlinebizteam
2) bizpreneur.com/signup?friend=Onlinebizteam
3) www.adlandpro.com/partner.asp?ref=fredds&pg=main
Jul 17th 2007 08:55

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