FREE Safelist Advertising Meets $7 Secrets Method! MUST SEE!

by Michael Brock
Michael Brock Senior  
In a hurry? Yeah, me too! So this one is gonna be very brief and straight to the point. And if you wanna jump on board right away... Click Here Now! You'll Be Very Glad You Did! I Promise!

Hi APSense Friends,

Boy, there's nothing like FREE advertising and I've got a brand new place to take advantage of it.

The site is called MyFreeSafeList and it is smokin' HOT!

While most safelists fill up your inbox, MyFreeSafeList is completely different by letting members read ads on the actual website.

Your ads will ALWAYS be read because that's how members get ad
credits, by reading YOUR ADS...

Just that one feature alone saves you tons of time by not having to delete and delete emails.

You can advertise for FREE in full HTML too! And get this, even though it's FREE, if you upgrade to Pro you can post UNLIMITED ads EVERY single day!

Go check it out here: MyFreeSafeList

Oh yeah, you can also promote the site and get paid up to 100%
commissions instantly for telling people about it.

I'm sure you have heard of the $7 Secrets Method, well this is the first
safelist or membership site for that matter that is paying 100% instant commissions.

You've got to check it out! And let me know what you think after you do, OK?

Best Wishes,

Michael Brock
A.k.a. Michael Brockefellerâ„¢ 1 & Mike B
Jul 13th 2007 12:50

Sponsor Ads


Dale Mazurek Advanced   
Hey there
I joined as a free member to first see how it produces. If I am happy I will upgrade to pro. It is definately a great concept, not getting the emails.

If you are interested in finding out how my partner and I are making money on line in the friendliest atmosphere around you can email me at or get a hold of me here

Thanks Dale

Jul 13th 2007 15:12   
Michael Brock Senior   
Wasup Dale,

That's great man, i'm very glad 2 hear it! Seriously...Cuz 2 be honest with u, i just joined 2-day myself, so the fact that u liked wut i posted here enuff 2 join gives me great promise for wut is 2 come with this site & program.

Yeh, so definitely let me know more as u decide it. And i just sent you a friend request here 2, as i'm always interested in how peeps r makin money on the Web. So hit me up with ur info win u have a chance.

O, & drop by my APSense profile and say hi in one of my blogs or something 2 win you get the chance?!

Best Wishes,

Michael Brock
A.k.a. Michael Brockefellerâ„¢ 1 & Mike B

P.S. Just so u know, i'm very active n a few groups here @ APSense & other Web 2.0 social network as well. And i'm spread very thin as a result, so it sumtimes takes me awhile to reply, but i always do!
Jul 13th 2007 15:40   
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