Zoom Tips

Multiple Skype Accounts

by Warren Contreras Old Retired Guy
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
If you get bothered by Skype too much, start a second account just for high value contacts to leave open and set the old account to Do Not Disturb so you don't lose all your contacts.

Find your Skype.exe file in your program folder, right click and send to desktop. Right click and select properties and add /secondary to the target field and rename the shortcut. Now double clicking that new icon opens a new instance of Skype.
Sep 20th 2013 06:18

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Nice tip, Warren. I do have 2 accounts, 1 for IM and 1 for day job, because when doing day job hours, I don't want to be distracted, but I didn't know we could have both running at the same time.

Your tip could be very useful, since I don't give my skype account easily, because I don't want to be bothered by spammers.


This post deserves to be shared.

Sep 20th 2013 07:47   
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