My Loss

by Bridgette Porter
Bridgette Porter Advanced  
My name is Bridgette and I feel I need to share right now because I'm still mourning my brother he transitioned on July 3,He was my best friend and buddy we were 10 yrs a part in age but he taught me some really good values to pass on to my daughter and grandchildren.He broke the mold when it came to being the best dad he could and that is what he did.My nieces and nephew had the best person for the job, he never forgot his siblings even though he had his own family,he was my hero and my mentor in life, now as his physical presence is gone I have to rely on my memories and all of the very good times we had and how much Im going to miss him as time heals my heart.We will miss you dearly and you shall forever live in our hearts.Thank You Apsense for listening,Bridgette
Jul 11th 2007 23:13

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Michael Brock Senior   
Hi Bridgette,

First of all, my condolences on your loss of your brother. I certainly know what it's like to lose loved ones. Yet, I also know that they are now in a much better place, so it helps with the grief but still doesn't replace the loss of their physical presence.

And we, as humans, depend highly upon our "physical" senses for pretty much all of our needs and they also play a huge part in our feelings generally. So when we lose someone close to us and that we love dearly in this world, it destroys, among other things, our sense of security, which is probably the hardest thing for humans to deal with in this stage of our existence.

You see, I was raised by my grandparents who were both from the Great Depression era and lost them years ago when I was in my early to mid twenties. Of course, I wasn't saved back then, so I dealt with my loss and grief in a much different way than I do now. But the fact remains that I missed them then and still do to this day, even more in some ways now.

And most recently I lost my biologically mom a little over a year ago. We weren't as close as a mom and son could, might, or should be when she passed away. But her and I were able to cultivate a relationship in the latter years before she died, so when she passed on there was definitely a loss, which along with the grief is still lingering today to be honest with you.

I don't have any secret formula or the answers in general that will alleviate that for you, but I do share the loss of loved ones with you and definitely empathize with you in that respect just the same.

And I pray that God comforts you in this time of grief. He is the One with ALL the answers, so just keep looking up in His direction and you'll be more able to deal with the feelings and issues arising out of your brother's transition. Also keep in mind that he is in Heaven with our Lord, so he didn't lose anything but rather gained it ALL!

Best Regards,

Michael Brock
Jul 12th 2007 09:11   
Bridgette Porter Advanced   
Thank you michael Its getting better for me as time moves on I know he is in a better place and I still feel him around at times to keep me in line cause thats what big brothers are for I just deal with it one day at a time thats the best thing for me to do at this time.
Jul 20th 2007 23:58   
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