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My websites I use for earning online

by Jason Carter Web Marketer
Jason Carter Junior Web Marketer
These three PTC websites are the ones I use to earn quite large amounts of money.

PROBUX - has it's 1st birthday!! I have had much success with this ptc website and have earned a lot of money. Join here to make the most of the current deals!
NEOBUX - Has been online for 4 years now and has a very good reputation as a ptc earning website. Never missed a payment and with large rented referrals list has a very good pay rate
NERDBUX - Is a new ptc website which has very good potential. Right now I am slowly earning money but stats are increasing as more people join and people are seeing payouts

Join these sites below using these links


(In order to be successful with PTC websites every ad has to be clicked every day to be eligible to be paid by referrals. It's not a huge task as it takes me about 15 minutes a day to do this
Aug 4th 2013 04:49

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