SEO tips & tricks

Most Important Part Of SEO Is - Content ?

by Nicole Huston Content Writer
Nicole Huston Advanced Content Writer
SEO or search engine optimized content, is one of the most important factors in determining who finds your website and what information they take away after they have landed there.

When search engines scan websites to determine how relevant they are for any specific keyword or phrase (the words Internet users type into the search engines to find websites), they are looking for content. More importantly, search engines are looking for content that contains the keywords and phrases Internet users search for. Content that successfully incorporates these keywords, along with other SEO techniques (such as meta tags, links, etc.) are determined the most relevant for that subject and appear on the first page of search engine results for that valuable keyword.

Internet users almost never search past the first page of search engine results for any given search query, so when your website does not appear on that first page, the chances of anyone finding your website through organic search engine results becomes next to nothing.

Search engine optimized content gives you the best of both worlds. On the one hand it creates valuable, relevant content that search engines respond to positively, giving your website and individual web pages higher search engine rankings. From the reader perspective, the valuable SEO content you have created gives your visitors the information they were searching for, which leads to new contacts and higher conversion rates.

Right now the Internet is more important than ever, and with the advances of SEO techniques as well as the increased reliance of Internet users on search engines like Google, it is imperative for any online business to incorporate SEO content into their website to stay competitive in their market.
Jun 17th 2013 00:12

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SANJAY K. Professional   Online Marketing Consultant
Nice Article. Content is a most important part of SEO.
Jun 17th 2013 00:19   
Mark Preston Junior  Internet marketing manager
In an ideal world yes. However there are 1000s of top ranking pages with almost no content what so ever.
Jun 18th 2013 11:02   
SER Group Senior  SEO, Internet Marketing
The reason why those sites with almost no content on them rank higher because they use off page optimization methods, like publishing educational articles on high PR sites.
Jun 22nd 2013 16:25   
Manali Patel Senior  SEO firm
Hi Nicole,

Contents are king. It is very important to put the content in your website because with that only people can know about your products or services.

Also you have to write some articles and submite in good artile directories with help you to get good benefit for your website.
Jul 3rd 2013 00:25   
Sasha Lei Freshman  Marketing
Contents are more important than anything else. With a good content Google will rank the page higher.
Jul 24th 2013 04:17   
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