Motion sickness is a common condition where there is a conflict between visual movement and the vestibular system's perception of movement. People who suffer from this condition usually can't read or eat while they are travelling in a car of a flight. Common symptoms include nausea, headache, and a deep sinking feeling in the gut. Therefore, if you suffer from this condition, it is important to choose an airline that can provide you with assistance on air. Sometimes, you may have the urge to book the cheapest flights out there. But, before you go ahead with your plan, make sure that they can give medical assistance to their patients.

Apart from this, you can follow the tips given

Take Medicines 2 Hours Prior to Your Flight

Ask your physician to give you an anti-nausea medicine that can be taken prior to your flight. Usually, medicines like Avomin are taken to fight nausea and other signs of motion sickness. However, you may need a different medicine depending on your health conditions and other issues that you might have. These medicines will keep that churning and dizzy feeling away, thereby helping you relax and feel comfortable.

Keep a Lemon with You

Lemon has been found to be extremely helpful to fight motion sickness and to keep your mind steady. Keep a whole lemon in your bag and keep sniffing it whenever a bout of nausea hits you. This way, you will feel refreshed and the subtle fragrance of the lemon will keep your flight jitters under check. Alternatively, if you can't carry a lemon, you can perfume your handkerchief with lime/lemon fragrance and enjoy it while aboard.

Try Sleeping As Much As You Can

The best way to keep motion sickness at bay is to sleep as much as possible. Once the seat belt sign has been switched off and the plane is flying steadily, tuck in the and try sleeping. This will keep your body relaxed and your brain won't even remember to feel motion sick! Alternatively, you can listen to some music at a low volume to distract your mind.

Don't Try to Read

Reading makes your brain feel as though you are constantly on the move. Although it's a great way of killing time, but reading on your smartphone or e-reader can make you feel sick, especially if the flight suddenly falls into an air gap. So, keep the reading to a minimum and try other sources of entertainment. If there is an entertainment console in front of your seat, make the best use of it during the flight.

These are some of the ways in which you can fight motion sickness when you are taking a long trip. Additionally, pack in some mints or toffees to keep your mouth refreshed and your mind distracted. Avoid eating full meals before travelling.

Get in touch with us and book your cheapest flights today or call us now 1300 837 920. Complete travel agent services for corporate travelers. Enjoy great airfare deals at /

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