If you’re not an art expert, buying framed artwork for your home can be a stressful experience. What do you need to know? What are the possible traps? Shopping for art isn’t something that you do every day, so when you do need to do it, it can be overwhelming.

There are four common mistakes that many people make when buying framed wall art. If you keep these in mind, you’ll be well on your way to art shopping success.

  1. Buying a bright piece for a bedroom

While it may not be the case for everyone, for most of us, our bedroom is our sanctuary – a quiet place where we relax and sleep. That’s why a loud and vibrant piece of framed artwork isn’t the best choice. It may be a beautiful work, but that won’t count for anything when it puts the feel of your bedroom off.

When shopping for bedroom framed prints in Australia, aim for something more neutral, peaceful and tranquil.

  1. Choosing an incorrectly sized print

Before you shop for, and fall in love with, a piece of framed wall art, measure your wall. You don’t want to purchase your favourite ever artwork and then take it home to find ot it’s too big or too small for the wall.

There are no specific rules when it comes to what will work well, but you’ll get a sense of the appropriate sized artwork when you measure your wall up.

  1. Going too matchy

Matching colours is an important tenet of interior design. But if you match up everything, your living room will soon look like an army barracks. Contrast is key, particularly for your wall art, as you want people to notice it.

If you’re brave enough, you can choose a colourful piece of art for a room, and then reverse engineer the look of the room – the cushion covers, rugs, or homewares – to match the print.

  1. Not showing your style

Your home’s art should be a reflection of yourself; it’s your house after all. When shopping for framed prints in Australia you might be plagued with thoughts of ‘will people like this?’ or ‘I love it but my parents wouldn’t’. Forget those thoughts. Be sure to choose works that reflect you as a person. It’s your chance to make your mark!

Now go get shopping - your house isn’t going to decorate itself!

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