I had seen a few people talking about using StumbleUpon for promotional purposes on their websites, with apparent success. Stumbleupon traffic isn't really the best traffic for a blogger due to the low conversion it results in and the 2 seconds the resulting visitors spend on a site. However, getting traffic from Stumbleupon has its own importance.

What is Stumbleupon?
StumbleUpon is known for being able to generate massive amounts of traffic to a website. It all starts with somebody "stumbling" your website. Essentially, this is done by one of your readers clicking the "I Like it!" button on the toolbar while on your site. They're giving you a thumbs up when you do that, and that puts your site in the network. If they are the first ones to vote for your page, then they will get a dialog box saying that they discovered the website. They will be prompted for a quick review and for a series of tags which best fit your site. Once they have "discovered" your site, your site is then available for other StumbleUpon users (also known as "stumblers") to surf into using the toolbar.

How to use Stumbleupon for SEO?
Put a Stumble button onto your site to remind people to vote for your site. You can form a group of like-minded webmasters who can stumble each other. Remember, votes by people OTHER than yourself are better, but there's really nothing keeping you from exchanging stumbles with other webmasters and bloggers.

Based on our research thus far, here are the things we see that can be done to get the most bang out of StumbleUpon.

  1. Stumbleupon Followers
    Having been a member of Stumbleupon since the beginning of time it seems, Cooper still did not have a great number of followers. As an active member, he then decided to give Get Free Followers a try. It was indeed the decision of his lifetime!

Build up your network. The more "friends" you build up for your StumbleUpon profile, the more stumblers will notice your stuff. When you check out your own profile, you will get a list of "suggested friends". If you don't have this, its likely because you have not been very active and thus have not trained StumbleUpon on your interests. But, once that is defined, you will get suggested friends based on your interests. And, you can add them as a friend at the click of a button.

  1. Stumbleupon marketing
    One single statement will tell you why it'll be a mistake to overlook Stumbleupon : in 2011, Forbes published findings that Stumbleupon had surpassed even Facebook as a source of social media traffic in the United States. Get Free Followers is the 1st in the world to provide you such a service!

Get a bunch of users to click the "I Like It" button on your page. But, really work for that - rather than cross your fingers and hope. Well not much - just join Get Free Followers and add your site there. The site has a bunch of users waiting to Like others' sites in Stumbleupon - as they'll all get paid with some coins to do that. And the more people that do that, the higher "ranked" your site will be with StumbleUpon and the more traffic you get.

Go through the attached how-to articles, to see how you can use the social media marketing tool - Get Free Followers - to make the most out of Stumbleupon.

FREE APSense Recommendation
Currently we are offering FREE APSense Recommendation to our connections for completing the below simple and easy opportunity:

  1. 1st of all, you need to be our connection in APSense, so that you can send us messages in APSense about the required information for this task.
  2. Join Get Free Followers. You get 50 coins and 0.5 USD in Get Free Followers as and when you login there, which you can use to advertise your pages there, as well as withdraw the money to your Bank A/C. This is an added benefit for you.
  3. Now, for this task, complete at least 10 exchanges in Get Free Followers. (Exchange means doing clicks to do social media activities under Earn Coins section of your account)
  4. Message us just your Get Free Followers user id so that we can verify that your task is complete.
  5. We'll a FREE APSense Recommendation for you instantly after verification.

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