Twitter is the coolest and the most lovable social networking platform. You can talk to new people, join interesting discussions and most of all have fun in just 140 characters. But this fun can be jinxed without some guidance. We bring 7 quick twitter tips for beginners.

1. Always fill your profile completely. Your profile is your introduction in the 
    twitter world. Make sure you fill it with all the correct information about yourself.

2. Understand the basic Twitter terms. Many terms like #tags, @, retweet,
    favorite, trends. These terms need to be used properly in every tweet you post to
    get the most ofthem.

3. Give links to your Blog, Website and other social networking profiles like  
    Facebook, Instagram etc on your profile page. Giving such links help to build trust
    of followers in you which helps to boost engagement of twitter account.

4. Stick to your goal. If you are on Twitter to share content for specific topic like
    social media or politics or technology, then make sure your posts are about them.
    Posting tweets on different topics together can lead to confusion in the mind of
    your followers and you can lose them.

5. Share valuable content. A balance of quality and quantity needs to be
    maintained. Your followers will expect you to post fresh and useful content.
    Tweeting continuously without checking the quality of content can make you lose

6. Don’t follow everyone. Only follow those people who are giving useful
    information. People with whom you are having regular conversations and they are
    following you, then following them back is common courtesy.

7. Have fun. It is very commonly said “All work & no play, makes Jack a dull
    boy”. Don’t become Jack, enjoy your twitter experience. Post tweets about your
    interest, retweet any good content or news, connect with new people every day.

Twitter is a very active platform where 500 million tweets per day are tweeted. Get in the madness and join all the conversations, express yourself and share your views with billions of people around the world by using the above quick tips.

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