The Damage Donald Trump has Created

The Republican Party use to symbolize a high
degree of intellect and now they say Donald Trump
speaks at a 3rd grade level.

I know this works for marketing online but he is
running for one of the highest positions in the world.
At some point he will have to go into details on many
issues instead of calling names and inciting a mental

I have been commission to write on the ramblings
and actions of Mr. Trump. I must say the actions
doesn’t match the odd speeches.

“Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” Trump
spews “put all illegals out day one!”

Trump has been one of the few to bring Fox News
Channel down on their knees using their tactics on

He comes in with that I know you are but what am I
kids play and often gets cheers for it. His plan is
working beyond what anyone could have thought.

In fact I will say, my opinion only, that he never
thought it would go this far. It was a ploy to market
the Trump brand and look what happened.

Republican Party Rebuild

If the Republican Party doesn’t put an end to this
masquerade soon then they will have to probably for
the good of the world rebuild their Party.

The world is watching as the cartoon show every
Republican debate. Ben Carson doesn’t know any
foreign politics whatsoever and Trump hasn’t given
even a hint of a plan on anything.

Cruz, will get less things passed than President
Obama did with his antics and Rubio has yet to do
one complete job before he’s off to doing another.

Kasich, does have a complete thought as Rubio but
they will never give him a chance to explain a real
plan that no side will be completely happy with....

I’m convinced that the Tea Party is how Obama got
elected and the Trump Party will get Hillary elected
as well.

As I did deep into Mr. Trump it is my true thoughts,
that he liked the Clintons a bit more than he is letting
on. That might be an story all to itself.

Roughly Discarded Trump Facts and Fiction

Trump says that he wants to remove 11 million or so
illegal aliens but he hires and brings in thousands of
people from all over the world. I wonder how many
of them that stay illegally?

Trump says he will not allow Muslims in the country
but if you do a simple research you will see how
much he does business with them.

After he mentioned this Trumps name began to come down
in Middle Eastern areas that he does business
with...the very next day after a phone conversation
his name went back up.

He says he will bring back business to America and
this is one thing I have no doubt will come true. Not
only will old companies come back but new ones will
come in because he will force those 11 million
illegals to work for dirt cheap for all that comes.

The one thing that I feel many pass over was when
he said he wants the best and brightest to come to
America. There is no problem with that but he hinted
about reclassifying the dumb and less useful people
in America.

So this could mean that the 3rd grade message that
people are so excited about may just be voting
themselves out of a country. Just my observation so

We have Republican governors allowing citizens to
drink poisoned water. They are accepting toxic
wasted from a set of the largest money donators to
dump that deadly material across the country.

A welcome tone to disrespect the president of the
United States and coming close to have a terrible
divide in the military. Don’t let me go off how many
politicians that will profit on the military to keep wars

Mike G.

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