There's a Real World Outside the Internet

I and I hope you do as well have a life outside the
internet. 80% of my business comes from the
internet but 90% of my joy comes from real life.

I try to inspire people while making money at the
same time. A person can’t be to fat, thin, happy, sad,
black, white, rich, poor, religious, athiest, highly
educated or poor to me. I even try to inspire racists
to be better people.

At one point in my life the internet was my
everything...people would say mean things back
then messed with me or something good inspired...

When I learned to disconnect from the fantasy world
because I’m living a real life fantasy of my own. It
maybe a whole lot to some and not much to others
but that is most important to me.

I love the gracious gifts that the internet has given
me but I work extremely hard to get and keep it. If
the internet goes completely down tomorrow would
not bother me one bit. I will work extremely hard to
offline then because of what is important in my real

What the internet has given me, my family and
friends I have given back ten fold to which a long list
of real live referrals on this.

Internet Friends - True Friends

As long as a person online is respectful to me they
can be an internet friend. If they around me for 10
years or 10 days they will be considered an internet

One of my oldest internet friends I met in 2003. We
spoke in someway or another online just about
every other day until 2011 when we fell out. It didn’t
bother me one second! Life was just as normal to
me then as it is today.

We didn’t speak for 6 months but for some reason
ended up promoting the same products on the same
sites...this online friend became a true friend 2 years

True Friends

I take true friendships very seriously. Nobody can
just crack a few jokes and invite me to a few events
to be a true friend.

A true friend to me is someone who is not just there
when things are going good but is strongest to me
when everything is at it’s worst. I have to be there for
them likewise.

It takes years for me to develop this type of trust.
Real life isn’t an instant oatmeal type thing to me.

Pouring Out your Soul Online

Some people honestly don’t have anyone to turn to
and I say pour out everything it can be a big help.
Majority of us are or have ignored the real people
that are the most close to us to share with total

That is a foolish decision...

I once had a back and forth with a deep rooted racist.
He proceeded to imply a threat to my well being the
whole of his pals said something
about my family that he shouldn’t.....things got

If you don’t understand this then you’re an idiot.

Since then the internet hasn’t been everything to me
personally. I inspire people through my words, that’s
it. Some how this made my life so much better.

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell...I
don’t remember even looking at the lady that came
to the door...he came to the door shortly after, before
I could unleash he pleaded with me to hear him out.
His wife overheard everything and began punishing
him with series of kicks and punches...I was there
he had better not defend himself in no way.

She got the kids moved out for 4 months. He
begged me to help him get her back. I did, he has
over the years became a true friend.

Life is beyond the internet even though I spend
crazy hours on it. I’m so happy beyond it.


Mike G.

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