Why you should Use Google Docs

Google Docs is another great help towards
promoting your offers. It is very easy to create a
Google Doc and make it public so the world can see.
Almost everybody makes folders in Google Docs to
promote with...so if you are promoting weight loss
offers you can name the folder weight loss then
make it public so anything you put in that folder
anyone can see.

Start by going into your browser and pressing the
little boxed area in the far right side...*note* I am
using Firefox...

google docs browser

A medium sized window will open up just scroll
down until you see the blue docs file and click on it.

google docs doc

You should be seeing an empty screen with sample
Docs click on them if you like to see examples then
go to the top right on the screen in the blue area
circled below and click it.

google docs left hand corner

Once you click that go straight to the bottom of the
small window that opened up and click where it says

Unless you have something in your Docs you should
have blank screen in the center 2/3rds of the screen
with an large orange button on the left hand side that
say “New.”

You will notice that mine has 3 folders and yours
may not have any but don’t worry about that we are
going to start you a new folder.

google docs screen

To start a new folder click the orange or red button
on the left hand side that says “New.”

google docs clicking the new button

Then hit the folder button...

You should have the screen that says new
folder...you can rename your folder to what ever
your niche is...I going to to with weight loss just for
an example so mine. Look below to see how I did it.

google doc new folder

google doc weignt loss folder

Right click on your niche’s folder so that you can
make everything in it public if you want the everyone
to see your Docs or whatever you post in you
niche’s folder.

You should come to a small drop down. Go to where
it says “Share” button and click on it. You should see
the small pop up below.

google docs share button

Click on the advanced button.

You should come to the screen below I cut min pic in
half but you should notice the same top half. Click
on where says change that is circled below:

google docs sharing settings

Then next screen select the open to the public

google docs link sharing

Click save then done. Now you should be looking at
your niche folder just double click on it to get ready
to start your new dock.

google docs open weight loss folder

google docs drop files here

Now click on the “New” button on the left hand side
then click the Google Docs selection to create your
new Doc.

google docs clicking new

After clicking the Google Docs selection you should
see this pop up:

google docs create in shared folder

Just hit OK and your new Doc has been created.

Now off topic a bit....my last group I trained were
very poor so we used a lot of free tools to get started
with online income. So I removed my Microsoft
office-Adobe stuff and signed up with a free office
software like below...

wps office

This office is all I use now even though my last
group has moved on and all are on their feet now.

Moving on back our Docs and creating a new
Doc...you should be where I am now in the pics
below...then you will hit the new button and create a
new doc.

google doc blank weight loss folder

Once you hit the new button select Google Docs...a
window will pop up hit OK....a new blank doc should
pop up as shown below:

google docs untitle document

As you see I circle the “untitled document” where
you will rename the Doc to whatever your niche or
title you like...

google docs weight loss the right way

Once you have this completed you can begin adding
content of types in here and share it. This may seem
like a waste of time and many will tell you not to
bother but take all Google free stuff really serious.

Everyone will tell you Google loves Google but they
only talk about Youtube and rarely mention other
things that when combined properly you will never
need to spend a dime or very little to make decent
money online.

Back to this Doc thing, I take this very seriously
when I create it I may use from 600 to 4,000 words if
it permits with keywords throughout the whole thing.

I will at some point do a full example of the whole
setup but I will say that I wouldn’t go after such a
competitive broad keyword such as weight loss it
would be more of a sub niche.

Anyhow the last thing I will show you is how to put in
the meta data which you can put in endless
keywords...check out the below pics.

Just click once to select the doc so that it

google docs select the doc

Now go to the far right of the panel and select the
little darkened “i” icon.

google doc the icon

Now you should see the window in the pic below on
the right hand side. Click on the “details” selection
which should show things you’ve done with your
Doc but you will want to go to the bottom where it
says add a description.

google docs detail and add a description

There is a pencil icon to the far right in the add a
description, click on it and add unlimited keywords in
it...warning I would actually write another article of
about 8,000 or so words with a bunch of key words
in it. Make the firs paragraph or first 2 sentences
totally readable because it will be in your description
in people’s browser.

Anyhow treat this as you are learning a skill...master
it....share it on all of your social sites and put it in the
Google url submit.

In a upcoming article I will post how to rank this
very quickly and how to turn this doc into an html
and a pdf that will draw a ton of attention.

Hope this helps!

Mike G.

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