google https

Google is now sending out new Google Search Console messages for SSL/TLS certificate does not include domain name, or HTTPS mismatch errors. The first one was spotted and posted by Casey Markee on Twitter and it read.

Google has detected that the current SSL/TLS certificate used on [domain] does not include [domain] domain name. This means that your web site is not perceived as secure by some browsers. As a result, many web browsers will block users accessing your site by displaying a security warning message. This is done to protect users browsing behavior from being intercepted by a third party, which can happen on sites that are not secure.

Here is a picture:

Google Safe Browsing Test Reports As Partially Dangerous

A few weeks ago Google announced a rebound to a tool to test to see if a site is safe to browse or not. It is the Safe Browsing Site Status tool.

You can plug in any web site and Google will give you the status of the site. But according to the tool, is a dangerous place to browse. According to the tool, is "partially dangerous" while "some pages on contain deceptive content right now."


  • Some pages on this website install malware on visitors' computers.
  • Attackers on this site might try to trick you to download software or steal your information (for example passwords, messages, or credit card information).
  • Some pages on this website redirect visitors to dangerous websites that install malware on visitors' computers, including:,, and
  • Dangerous websites have been sending visitors to this website, including:,, and

Here is a full size screen shot:

click for full size

Pretty funny.

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