Some people think that writing songs is easy and some people can’t write a song at all. I’m here to help you become a fabulous songwriter! With these simple easy steps:

Step 1: Find inspiration. Whether it is the weather, a personal relationship, or just things that are going on in your life. You want to have a song that means something to YOU.

Step 2: Find a tune. It’s not always easy to find a tune. I honestly believe it’s all about what you want to write about. If you want to write about something happy maybe something up beat and exciting. If you want to write something sad maybe something soft and slow.

Step 3: Make some lyrics. You can’t have a song without lyrics. Make sure you have a verses and the chorus and some people even include a hook!

Step 4: Put it all together. Once you’re done with Step 1-3 you’ve done it! You’ve wrote a song. Now, you simply smash it all together and make some noise!

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