Working in a creative marketing agency can be taxing on your creativity, especially if you have to come up with new and fresh concepts and ideas on a daily basis It can become a little monotonous and you might also find it difficult to stop being repetitive. When it comes to brainstorming, listed below are some easy fixes that will keep your creative juices flowing:

  • Try to break traditional mindset: Sitting around a conference table with all your colleagues and asking them to shout out what ideas they have might not be exactly productive. It can be exhausting, mentally draining and quite honestly, might feel like a complete waste of time. The best solution would be sit down with your team and try to create an environment that breaks the traditional mindset of the people. In order to come up with ideas that are out of the box, an atmosphere complementing it should be created.

  • Churn out ALL your ideas: It might be so that your employees might find it awkward to express their views in the presence of someone with a higher position than theirs. They might feel embarrassed in expressing ideas that are not that fully thought out. To overcome this hurdle, start rolling out all your ideas-good and bad. It’s even better if you start with the bad ideas first. It would lighten the mood and will help get everyone feel confident enough to start sharing their inputs. And who knows, you might just catch on to a great idea from a bad one.

  • Word Games: One of the most tried and tested method of getting food for thought is playing word games. Write down a couple of words that are central to the project you are working on. Then just ask everyone to say the first words that come to their mind when they see those written words. This will help give you a broader perspective of the project on hand and that way you can narrow it down afterwards to suit the requirements of the client.

  • Build up from scratch: Most of the times, the client just gives a generic brief of what he/ she wants from the marketing agency. You can actually use it to your advantage. Try breaking down the idea and then rebuilding it from scratch while keeping the client’s brand objectives in mind. It will help give you a specific approach to the project.

  • Change Environments if you can: Always try to have creative productive meetings in rooms that don’t have an official look about them. Try to change the physical environment as it will help break subconscious restraints on creative thinking. If changing environment is not an option then change the atmosphere of the group. Chances are that the more informal the working environment, more fluid the creativity will be.

  • Use Pictorial Presentations: Whether you put up pictures on the walls or you set up mood boards like boards you see on Pinterest; but try and use as many pictures and colourful representations as possible. Looking at graphs and statistical data can be mind numbing.

To sum up, the more cheerful and playful the working atmosphere will be at your marketing agency, the more productive your team will be in brainstorming sessions.

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