Legends of the Bridge of Lies

Most locals avoid any untruth to say they passed the bridge, because they fear that it will collapse under the weight of their lies. Elders say the bridge has ears, unimaginable power and more input, so every untruth uttered, the bridge begins to moan in all the joints, and a noise that gives you the creeps, railing starts to break down. In few minutes, the bridge brings liar feet on the ground, literally and figuratively. Lying proves stronger than wood or iron, and the bridge break under its weight.

Another legend speaks about the fact that the Small Square in Sibiu, the merchant market, and the market was implicit bargain. After negotiations, home leave with merchandise, some buyers found they were duped. Returning, they took the chest traders and liars in roars of laughter made them fall off the bridge. The scare was the merchants that makes the next time you stop in Hermannstadt not themselves citizens of Sibiu.

The tastiest legend that binds the name of the bridge is that of couples who used to walk the bridge. They say young lovers, past the bridge at night and swearing eternal love, we come to discuss the girl’s bodily cleanliness. And all say are squeaky clean. But, it is proving to be false after the wedding night were dragged and thrown off the bridge false oaths. It is unclear whether Pateau much, because haul under the bridge is only two to three meters.

Legendele de pe Podul Minciunilor

Cei mai multi localnici evita sa spuna vreun neadevar cind trec pe pod, pentru ca se tem ca acesta va ceda sub greutatea minciunii lor. Batrinii spun ca podul are urechi, o putere greu de imaginat si multa intuitie, asa ca, la fiecare neadevar rostit, podul incepe sa geama din toate incheieturile, iar intr-un zgomot care-ti da fiori, balustrada incepe sa cedeze. In citeva minute, podul aduce mincinosul cu picioarele pe pamint, la propriu si la figurat. Minciuna se dovedeste mai tare decit lemnul sau fierul, iar podul se rupe sub greutatea ei.

O alta legenda vorbeste despre faptul ca Piata Mica din Sibiu, fiind piata negustorilor, era implicit si piata tocmelilor. Dupa negocieri, plecind cu marfa spre casa, unii cumparatori constatau ca au fost pacaliti. Se intorceau, ii luau de piept pe negustorii mincinosi si, in hohotele de ris ale precupetilor, ii aruncau de pe pod. Astfel, sperietura era cea care ii facea pe negustori ca data viitoare cind poposeau in Hermannstadt sa nu mai insele sibienii.

Cea mai gustata legenda ce se leaga de denumirea podului este cea a cuplurilor care obisnuiau sa se plimbe pe pod. Se spune ca tinerii indragostiti, trecind noaptea pe pod si jurindu-si iubire vesnica, ajungeau sa discute si despre curatenia trupeasca a fetei. Si toate afirmau ca sint curate ca lacrima. Numai ca, dovedindu-se mincinoase, dupa noaptea nuntii erau tirite si aruncate de pe podul juramintelor false. Nu se stie daca pateau mare lucru, caci haul de sub pod e doar de doi-trei metri.

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