'Peace through strength' is an ancient phrase which implies that strength of arms is necessary for the prevalence of peace. Although many countries have nuclear weapons, but there has not been a nuclear war because countries understand that war can never bring peace and harmony. The doctrine of mutually assured collaboration has kept the world safe since the second world war.

Nuclear peace is a theory of international relations which can induce stability and decrease the chances of crisis escalation. Controlled nuclear proliferation may be beneficial for economic stability. It not only increases the chances of interstate conflicts, but also promote violence among non-nuclear powers.

"Arms proliferation can go hand in hand with the world peace, but considering that whether the nuclear weapons are peacemakers or not is a big question. One must take many things into account. Such proliferations might keep the world at peace, but they are also used by many countries to frighten one another." - Kislay Pandey, Criminal Lawyer, the Supreme Court of India.

Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France and Britain all treat nuclear weapons as a key component in their nation's strategy, and are speedily modernizing their defence technology. They treat arms as instruments of peace. The sensible path starts with the realization that peace can be secured only through strength. We need a new strategy that recognizes the importance of nuclear weapons for a peaceful future.

"Nuclear weapons can be peacemakers. That's not to say that they are deadly, since the second world war, there has been a sense of global peace. The world has had a long period of peace and stability since the invention of nuclear weapons. These inventions have so far proved to be global peacemakers."- Kislay Pandey,  Criminal Lawyers, the Supreme Court of India.

Many countries are now realizing that the cost of using these weapons is to great, and that we should be seeking to continue peace, not cause a war. The US had used to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima which had put the war to an end. This way we can say that nuclear weapons are global peacemakers. Since then many countries have been afraid of one another. Consequently, the world becomes more integrated. Each country tries to form a relationship or an alliance with the other. Nuclear weapons area extremely hazardous and are capable of killing many as we saw in Japan, but they can also unify us and give us peace. Due to the fear of nuclear war countries have been afraid of each other.

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