Being one of the most complex medical interventions, orthopaedic surgery is often dreaded by patients because they associated it with pain and long recovery times. However, surgeries of this type are usually successful and, when done by a skilled orthopaedist they can really change their lives for the better. It is not uncommon for people suffering from knee or shoulder conditions to say a firm no to surgery and choose alternative solutions, thinking that surgery would make them be bedridden for months. Unfortunately, postponing surgery when a professional has recommended it as the only solution is not a wise course of action. The problem can get even worse and prevent you from moving anyway. Recovery times do not take years of your life and if you follow your doctor’s instructions you will be ready to get back to normal sooner than you imagine.

Prior to surgery, you will be informed by your shoulder or knee specialist Sydney on what the recovery time should normally be. Of course, the more complicated the surgery is, the more you will be expected to rest. For example, if you are only having a minor intervention, then you can expect to get back to your daily activities in a couple of weeks. However, if you are having a major intervention, such as total knee or shoulder replacement, then you will have to rest for longer and follow up with physiotherapy. Needless to say, it also matters which area of the body was affected. For example, your ability to walk will not be affected if a shoulder specialist Sydney treats you. However, if you have knee surgery, then you will have to rest for longer.

A common misconception people have is that surgery renders you unable to walk. This is not true. Even in the case of full knee replacement, recovery starts from day one. Immediately after you wake up, the surgeon will encourage you to stand and walk with assistance, so that your muscles can strengthen. Contrary to common belief, it’s not available to stay in bed for prolonged periods. Of course, you can’t exercise at random and you need the supervision of a professional, at least in the beginning. After no more than three days you should be able to do basic knee movements normally, dress and go to the bathroom without assistance. The recovery plan can be as long as thirteen weeks, but that doesn’t mean you will not be able to do anything during this time. As mentioned above, you will be able to do basic tasks in about three days, and by the end of the recovery process you will not be expected to experience pain or have trouble moving. A special exception is the one of athletes, which, unfortunately, are unlikely to get back to their activities after full shoulder or knee replacement. Orthopaedists do not recommend their patients to play sports like football or basketball for two reasons: first, they involve a lot of physical effort and secondly, they have a high risk of impact, which means the implant might be damaged.

Talk to a knee specialist Sydney or shoulder specialist Sydney by following these links!

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