Since becoming attuned and starting my progressive learning journey in the energy healing arts I have found Reiki to be one of the best discoveries yet, however by combining both QI gong & Reiki in my own daily lifestyle I've found it has improved my energy levels and has helped me to become pain free, eliminating a recurring lower back pain which had been with me for almost 20 years.

I have also become more focused and less stressed.

As I progress and learn new skills I will be sharing videos and articles on those subjects with a goal in mind to share as many success stories and testimonials as possible with the intent to teach others and promote this wonderful energy healing art. 

Health Education & Nutrition are also a major contributing factor to optimum health.

Benefits of Reiki

Since completing Jikiden Reiki Level 1 (Shoden) on May 9th & 10th 2015 I have a view to progress and become a Jikiden Reiki Master & Teacher. Jikiden Reiki is the authentic style which was taught in Japan with direct lineage to Tadao Yamaguchi who was taught by his Mother Chiyoko Yamaguchi who was taught by Chujiro Sensie who was taught by Usui Sensie. Jikiden Reiki was founded as an attempt to re introduce Reiki in it's purest and most authentic form using the original style and practices taught by the founder of Reiki ~ Usui Sensie. Now there are are a growing number of (Shihan) Jikiden Reiki Teachers who are contributing to the preservation and teaching of Jikiden Reiki.

Learn more about Jikiden Reiki here: and here:

Let me know your thoughts and feedback, Questions?

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To Your Success, Good Health & Financial Prosperity!

Paul Nulty

P.S. Message me if you would like to know more about training seminars and or healing sessions & treatments.

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