Starting at an early age, a guy tends to be pretty proud of his firm male organ and the tricks that it can do. For some men, this pride may take the form of exhibitionism: displaying the manhood (firm or soft) to another person or persons, often in public or semi-public situations. (Hopefully, men understand that a firm male organ isn't enough for praise; maintaining good male organ health can help make one's rod something worthy of being displayed.) Exhibitionism becomes a problem when a man prominently exposes his manhood in a situation in which such an action is not desired – or, in many cases, is not legal. 

Many men practice their exhibitionism in a safe way, which means not encroaching upon the rights and feelings of other people. The following are a few of the situations in which manhood display can be considered safe.

- In the locker room. Being in the changing room, shower room or sauna at a gym naturally affords a man the opportunity to walk around without clothing, so the locker room can be a great place for an exhibitionist to let it all hang out. It's also not uncommon for friends in a locker room to focus attention on and comment about (usually in a mock-derogatory manner) each other's equipment, which can be a plus for many exhibitionists. However, it's important to remember that even in this setting, some exhibitionist practices (such as self-gratifying or displaying in a coercive manner) are not appropriate.

At a clothing-optional beach or resort. Clearly, clothing-optional beaches or resorts are natural places for a man to exhibit his wares. However, a guy needs to realize that neither of these situations may be appropriate for a man with a raging tumescence. While some degree of firmness is considered acceptable in these locations, in general it's expected that such a state will be of limited duration. Men who become hard and flaunt the fact or who self-stimulate are not generally welcome.

- In booths at adult book stores. Many adult book stores feature booths where patrons can view explicit videos. Not surprisingly, most men engage in self-gratification while in these booths. Sometimes, patrons have cut peepholes between the booths in order to watch their neighbors; some booths even come equipped with plastic walls that enable consenting patrons in separate booths to watch each other as they self-pleasure.

- By skinny-dipping. Swimming bare gives many people a wonderful sense of freedom and liberation. If one has a private swimming area or can find a safely secluded spot, skinny-dipping with a partner or group of friends can be a wonderful experience.

- Jack and Jill parties. Many cities have private organizations that hold meetings specifically for their members to self-stimulate. When open to both genders, it is generally referred to as a Jack and Jill club. Most such clubs have rules for cleanliness and hygiene, as well as about what is and is not allowed in terms of behavior.

- Role playing. Couples who are into exhibitionism can explore role playing as an option. This is especially useful for men with a desire to be exposed in a risky public situation. The couple creates a scenario that would be illegal in public and acts it out in the privacy of their own home. The power of imagination and fantasy cannot be underestimated.

Some exhibitionism of a firm male organ is normal for a man, with many guys fulfilling this desire through simple one-on-one sensual contact. Whether putting the package on display for one partner or for a group, however, it pays to regularly use a top-drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help maintain the organ in its best shape. A tool with adequately hydrated skin is going to have a nice glow and, more importantly, will lack dry, flaky patches that mar its otherwise impressive appearance. A crème that contains the high-end emollient Shea butter can be a superb way of providing moisturization to any member. Many male organs often also feature broken capillaries as a result of rough handling. A crème that contains L-arginine should be used to help with this issue and restore the tool to its eye-catching appearance.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.


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